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I Don't Understand It


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Guest Ballz2TheWallz

lol i wouldnt be suprised if my dad got high off his coke(the drug for you slow people) and did her a few times. yes i deeply hate my dad

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Welfare is supposed to be a temporary solution .People like that should be shot. I feel as though they are stealing from me.As you do Red i work long and hard (sometimes to hard)for what i have,Even taking time away from my family to do it .I feel violated!

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Arrgghh, that pisses me off. I work, and I know I work hard for what I get and I battled to be were I am now. There are 500 people a year applying for my job and it's just an internship. I mean it has hooked me up with a great paying job since then, but that kind of thing negates the whole point of working hard to get what you want.


So :withstupid: with the rest of you, social leeches piss me off!

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man i am with all of you i really hate these social leaches as dignan so eliquently put. maybe we have our priorities strate and she doesn't. i mean i've seen people who live in what we consider the slums of out small town. like these realyl crapp apartments. but i've seen these people driving new mustangs. even saw one woman driving a brand new corvette.

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Some people care more about money than anything else, its sad what levels people will stoop to in order to live the "American Dream".


People that feed you a sob story about being on welfare need to have some sense slapped into them.


I wonder what would happen if the govt. did away with welfare, maybe some people would actually have to work for a good living, hmmmm theres a novle idea.

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Some people care more about money than anything else, its sad what levels people will stoop to in order to live the "American Dream".


People that feed you a sob story about being on welfare need to have some sense slapped into them.


I wonder what would happen if the govt. did away with welfare, maybe some people would actually have to work for a good living, hmmmm theres a novle idea.

very very great idea. but see then there is actually the people that need it.

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This is where you realize how flawed the whole system is. This doesn't apply to welfare only! :angry:


When i use to be in FL, I remember hearing in the news that a real estate agent was caught because she was claiming welfare and some other government help, when annually she was puling in over $150K driving a brand new Mercedes and owned several houses. Her main residence was a little over half a million!

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wow, all this and i start payin my own taxes this year. sob. i bet she doesnt even have insurance on that car. a lot of people who are in the ghetto around where i grew up stole all the nice things they had... not that its stolen, but shes probally got some connections the ira would like to know about

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Yeah that's how she ended being caught. Somehow one of these agencies she was ripping off caught up to her and BAM! Actually when the news was airing they were seizing her assets [houses, cars, bank accounts] for unpaid taxes.


I don't feel bad at all!! <_<

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