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How's YOUR Keyboard?

Guest Blooz1_merged

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How often do you clean your keyboard?


What is this....'clean'...that you speak of?



Mine is pretty nasty, but I only buy $25 corded Logitechs so every couple of years I just get a new one. No big deal.

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They also found that, compared to men, on average women have three to four times the amount of germs in, on and around their work area.


That's because they have three to four times the "stuff" in, on and around their work area.:)

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Probably worse than in the article...

My cleaning schedule goes like this key/keys don't work get a new one.Never have I cleaned a key board with the exception of a little compressed air...

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Guest Retratserif

I dismantle mine and clean it pretty regular. I dont like dust showing on the edges of my keys.

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I found a whole pizza in mine once.......


Hehe...good one.

I have kind of a rare one...it's a black Belkin ergonomic-split keyboard, (ps2). I really like it, but i want the exact same thing with soft touch like the ms keyboard, and i want individual blue led's on each key, to match the all blue fans in my pc.


Is it clean? Hell no. Once in a while i just blow the dust out, and sometimes i even used compressed air whenever i get off my lazy butt to go to best buy, (I try to stay away from there) cuz i keep bringing stuff home that i didn't even consider buying on my way there, kinda like when i was a kid, dragging some stray dog that kept following me in the house, asking my mom if i could keep him. :rolleyes:


However, i did take one apart one time to clean it, mostly cuz i was curious to see what it's guts looked like. Never did again. A good jolt with canned air is good enough for me. But yeah, it can can pretty filthy in there. Grime builds up slowly, and it wouldn't hurt to wipe it once a year. It's just a plastic sheet with a bunch of wires inside.

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