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3 worst descision ever made...


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You guys are sooo loame, you need to come up with your own stuff not change doc's around LOL


1. signing on to msn

2. setting status to away instead of offline

3. answering rado's IM the second he notices I am online ;)

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Adam had no part of that....


for real yo....


Eve did that all on her own...


She was curious and decided to eat the apple on her own after her and Adam had just gotten done doing natural stuff....


After she ate the apple she then realized she messed up and then tricked Adam to also eating the apple...


She told Adam if he ever wanted to do any of the Natural stuff with her ever again he would eat the Apple just as she had....


Adam being a man and wanting to be with Eve he gave in and ate the rest of the apple....


From that point on they've been hold that over our heads.....



good one eh'?



1) reading stupid post I should have never looked at...


2) posting a reply to the stupid post I read I should have never looked at...


3) buying a PC and getting Internet...


adam asked god for a companion. something beautiful, intelligent, kind, mature and fulfilling.


god said that'd cost him an arm and a leg.


adam asked so ok, what can I get for just a rib instead?

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Guest SuppA-SnipA

1) thinking vista was cool in the beta days

2) stayed friends with my ex

3) lending cds / dvds

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1) Lucifer who decided that he could be equal to God and resorted to lies to tempt others to follow him into damnation;

2) Eve believing the 'father of lies' instead of God, and Adam going along with her;

3) Me succumbing to temptation by the 'father of lies' instead of listening to the Holy Spirit given to me when I placed my faith in Jesus Christ, the new Adam, Who died so that we can be freed from the results of sin which is everlasting death.


May God have mercy upon those on whom He will have mercy.


1. humans deciding they needed religion


2. no one having the balls to stand up to religion and eradicate it from the face of the earth for the good of mankind


3. allowing dumbass nonsense like "intelligent design" to be taught in public schools (hint dummies: public schools are funded by governments which means SEPARATION OF CHURCH AND STATE. You want your xxxxing religion taught to kids, teach it in SUNDAY SCHOOL or CHURCH SCHOOLS. Don't try to teach my kids your bull crap fantasy-magic-sorcery stories of some magical man in the clouds creating adam and eve and somehow now there are 6 billion humans on the earth because of those two losers...I mean, we all see what happens when a woman has a child as the product of incest...those kids come out retarded, with 2 heads, missing fingers, etc etc...so how is it that incest causes genetic damage and birth defects yet SOMEHOW WE ALL CAME FROM THE SAME TWO ORIGINAL HUMANS???? And more than that, how the xxxx did all the sudden there be more than just adam and even once they were kicked out of the garden of eden??? is there a rival god who made humans to compete with christian god humans??? Is this . for real? And more importantly, Jesus was a sorcerer...it's written in the bible he performed sorcery...yet the bible calls it "miracles" but it really is nothing but sorcery and the bible claims sorcery is EVIL yet somehow jesus isn't evil even though he was a top-level SORCERER??? hahahahahahaha...religion...worst thing to EVER happen to humans....it has kept us from evolving for thousands of years and has helped to kill off the best of humanity (remember all those scientists and other intelligent people all throughout history that have been killed by the church because they wanted to teach things like "the earth is not the center of the universe" and "gravity is based on science" and "germs are biological in nature, not xxxxing evil spirits that god and satan put in you for sinning by touching your penis in a masturbatory way"...yeah, good job religion, kill off all the intelligent thinkers who get people to think for themselves instead of blindly following your bull crap mind-control "religion")

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...so how is it that incest causes genetic damage and birth defects...


Studies on mice have shown that after 20 generations those defects can be breed themselves out so if the world was created just over 6000yrs ago that could easily be +60 generations. (Obviously the scientists that worked with those mice need to be burnt)


My 3 mistakes.


1) My first serious girlfriend - great . which in hindsight wasn't so great. Dumb horny teenager.


2) Getting a mobile athlon to see what all this OC'ing malarky was about


3) Smoking and general bad health habits


(Secret No4 - confessing this sheet on a gosh darn public internet forum)

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1. Buying a '99 kia sportage. Since 2000 when I bought it, the 4wd has broke EVERY damn winter. Mine had the 3 year warranty, starting in 2000 they gave them all 10years, so I've paid for mine a few times. Not to mention the many other things that make this vehicle a complete Fail. When I bought it, I paid just under book value. About 6 months later it plumpeted and never came back to what was owed. Not that I would expect it to, but with it being like 4k less, I couldn't trade it or sell it. I guess I'll drive it into the ground. I'm half tempted to paint it red white and blue and write something nasty across the back about buying vehicles from a 3rd world country lol.


If I can think of anything remotedly close to as stupid as I was for doing this, I'll edit and add them later lol. But atm, this is the single dumbest thing I've done.


ps. my limited edition '99 mustang gt and '99 triumph thunderbird have held their book value VERY well over the last few years and run great. They may have been the smartest thing I've done, outside of marrying my wife.

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Guest thespin
2. no one having the balls to stand up to religion and eradicate it from the face of the earth for the good of mankind


:-) Well Karl Marx, Engels, Lenin, and Trotsky said religion was the opium of the masses. So they did what you suggested and eliminated it.


What was the result over just 40 years (to include all the communist offshoots like the Chinese) ? Over 100 million people murdered by their own governments, much more than the number that died in battles between different religious groups in all the centuries before!


You may want to suggest something else ... say er, suicide ...

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1. Thinking people care what order your fingers hit the keyboard in.

2. Thinking that a free nation is one that has no religion (?)

3. Thinking that thinking something is actually a decision at all.

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