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The Official Nvidia 8800 Series Thread!


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Finally got my 8800gts crankin! Started up a game of Supreme Commander with medium details, 4 players, on a large map and towards the end it dropped down to 1fps. Granted, I had the graphics turned up higher than I would have with 7600gt SLI, but I never expected it to get that low at 1440x900 resolution...


I know that SC is a pretty taxing game, but what would cause mine to struggle like that? Doesn't seem to be a gfx card issue anymore. Afterward I looked at CPU usage, nearly 100% on one core, ~15% on the other. Not much of a dual threaded game if thats all I can expect. I didn't have any major processes running in the background during the game either.


Any thoughts??


You can try this. I might end up doing it too.

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No Rad, I didn't..sorry i missed it. I registered over at the evga forum and have already made some friends (as well as an enemy...lol). But that's me for ya! And have been pre-occupied with driving myself crazy wondering what to do as far as whether or not to step up or just keep this card and use this guide.


At my gaming rez, I wouldn't really see a lot of difference, but who knows how much Crysis and other future, more taxing games will affect my cards performance. I already know i will have to run it at lower settings,

but putting myself in the poorhouse isn't really much of an option.

By the way, How's your build coming along? I've been too busy to take a look at any work logs you might be keeping.

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I definately read the guide Radodrill, and its very nicely done! Before I get into that, I'll just use the Core Optimizer That only works with Sup. Commander, optimizing how multiple cores interact with the game. After starting that up, I have ~70% usage on both cores and a much smoother game even at all medium settings with ~22fps.


Next step will be OCing the card - is there a site somewhere that would tell the approximate max oc's found on diferent card types? I've just found one with tons of bios versions so far...

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Next step will be OCing the card - is there a site somewhere that would tell the approximate max oc's found on diferent card types? I've just found one with tons of bios versions so far...


Not sure if there's a site to record overclockability of specific cards. MVKtech.net has one of the largest archives of GFX BIOSes that I know of.

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By the way, How's your build coming along? I've been too busy to take a look at any work logs you might be keeping.


sys is up n running; just working on the baseboard for it; but that's taking a little while since I'm putting on quite a few coats of lacquer; gonna start with the clear-coating this weekend, then I'll still have to polish it :D.

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Next step will be OCing the card - is there a site somewhere that would tell the approximate max oc's found on diferent card types? I've just found one with tons of bios versions so far...


Your best bet is to visit Futuremark.com and get into the ORB section. You'll see a tab at the top of the main page titled ORB.


Click "Project Search and Compare", set your relative parameters and enjoy the night of reading :)

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