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My First Foray into nF4 OC'in!


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well, this morning i woke up to find every last part i need to build a but kicking machine under the tree (specs in siggy), an hour & a bit later it was built and running window$. i immediately began OC'in this thing, which with the exception of all the weird memory mumbo jumbo, was a cake walk compaired to my nF2!

well, my opty 165 has been running at 300x9 1.45v now all day, no problems after i copied memory timings off of a similar setup in the OCDB (tweaking later). im using the stock cooling for now, which never goes much over 45°C even at full bore. here is a screenie of what im at, benches, rig pics, and an OCDB entry are next.


here is a cpuz screenie teaser for now:



i must say, these boards are rock solid, im so proud of this setup, and this great information rich forum is the reason its up! thanks to Happy_Games & forum members for this forum & contributions!


more to come :D



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well, this morning i woke up to find every last part i need to build a but kicking machine under the tree (specs in siggy), an hour & a bit later it was built and running window$. i immediately began OC'in this thing, which with the exception of all the weird memory mumbo jumbo, was a cake walk compaired to my nF2!

well, my opty 165 has been running at 300x9 1.4v now all day, no problems after i copied memory timings off of a similar setup in the OCDB (tweaking later). im using the stock cooling for now, which never goes much over 45°C even at full bore. here is a screenie of what im at, benches, rig pics, and an OCDB entry are next.


here is a cpuz screenie teaser for now:



i must say, these boards are rock solid, im so proud of this setup, and this great information rich forum is the reason its up! thanks to Happy_Games & forum members for this forum & contributions!


more to come :D




Looks like a great start :)

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You'll really be happy with that rig man....


the thing thats best about it is..... the stuff that was in the NF2 that would only go so far will go far beyond with little or no work....


My ram would get 250 with quite a bit of tweaking but....in the SLI-DR went right up to 300 with no tweaking...The ram flexability is the best part of the A64's


some people have the most part of their work going from 2.9 to 3.0....seems to be real dependant on ram there...? So you might want to make sure you know the limits on the ram (max) and you should be sitting pretty...


looks like you're doing a awesome job man....keep up the good work...3G's from you should be a walk in the park...;)

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haha, i hope its that easy! all i had to do on the nF2 was set the multi, FSB, and volts. now i have a bunch of timings i have no idea what they do, but i will learn. i have been reading up on A64 cooling and i think im going to get either a freezer 64 or sp-97(?). im going to run orthos tonight, see how she goes :).

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Not to poop on your party, but I would invest some of your Christmas money in a new PSU. 450W doesn't even meet the minimum requirements, let alone for a DC Opteron and X1950XT! I wouldn't risk all of those nifty new parts just because I didn't want to pick up a $100 PSU. Good luck anyways!

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lol, yeah, the modstream can take a large load! i was also worried, but truth be told, i got it to put out more warm air on my nF2 rig than i can on this one! im back for good, i finally have dedicated Internet now, so all is great!


the transition went well, except for the ram settings and stuff, im still getting the hang of it. right now, surprisingly, im actually blown away, 2.88GHz is very satisfying! im still shooting for max, but after an OCDB entry i will most likly revert back to 2.88Ghz.


here are some rig pics too, sorry for the crap images, sucky cam used :(





oh, and by the way, what voltage is safe on this max for 24/7 use? i understand that these chips cant take large volts like A-XP's can... i have read and heard crap ranging from 1.5-1.6v, but i would like something more clear and agreed upon... so what would you guys recommend for 24/7 use?


thx for your help guys, once i get rolling i wont bug yall anymore i promise :D



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looks nice man....


if you got a good stepping and it plays well with the ram then you may end up less the 1.5v if it doesnt then you could be 1.55v or a tad more...they say shoot for 49c load...or less of coarse...

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