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Vigor Gaming Monsoon II (754, 939, AM2, LGA775) TEC cooling!


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i wonder where can i get standalone TEC...it used to be easy to find them.... im wondering what a 50W TEC can do wit my BigTyphoon :D


Keep in mind that you have no control over condensation then. I don't think it'd be a problem, but you never know. This is designed to control that.


I know Danger Den actually sells some, but I doubt many that small. I'm sure ViperJohn could help you out though.

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i wonder where can i get standalone TEC...it used to be easy to find them.... im wondering what a 50W TEC can do wit my BigTyphoon :D

Wouldnt hurt to try, but it is'nt as easy as just slapping a pelt under your BT.


On another note, unless this things weighs in at a few pound's it isn't going to crush a core, i abuse my 150 like you woudltn believe and it still chugs along quite nicely. Same thing with every other AMD cpu I've owned (3 148's, a 3700+, Opty 150, and a few other's, all naked). It take's human error to crush the core.


:edit: if you are that worried, or that careless it's extremely easy to make a "shim". Sometime today/night i'll post a pic of the one I use to ensure that whatever cooling method i'm using makes solid flush contact with the core. All you need is a garden variety calling card (preferabbly an expired or had all the minute's used)

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Looks a lot like the Titan Amanda...




Only the Titan has 2 fans, no LCD and is only $99.


This is an awesome idea, though not a new one (TEC resurgence, anyone?). I'd like to see some data from someone who pairs a 60W TEC with a top-shelf air cooler like the TT BT, Scythe Ninja/Infinity or the Ultra-120.


In fact, if someone sends me a 60W TEC, I have all those HSFs to test... LOL :D


I am sorry to inform you that you can't get Amanda in the United States. They can only distribute their product in Europe. In addition, the reasons why we had a different design are as follows:


1. Two fan solution might be quieter, but it is way too heavy. We don't believe in using a strap to hold your cooler in place.


2. With increasing popularity in SLI, most mobo doesn't have a PCI slot left. And if you do, you might want to add a Creative card or a WIFI card in it. Therefore, we went with the LCD unit design.


Anyway, both Amanda and Monsoon II are solid product. They differs mostly in design philosophy. If you live outside of North America, Amanda will be a great product for you.

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yeah its big . that Monsoon II looks GRATE but as so many good things it dont leave the states ( not the states fault ) I find that equal trade really sucks once you get out of the states If its us standerd forget trying to get it here

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As for the fan, we are working on a solution. Right now, we don't allow any changes or control of the fan because of the management software. The management software will control the fan speed and TEC current to make sure condensation doesn't happen. Letting the user to control will negate the management software and in some instance, may cause condensation or other extreme conditions.


So if we cannot change the fan, the question is what happens if the fan goes? I'd guess contact you guys for a replacement, that hopefully isn't extremely overpriced ;) I'm not quite sure on how having the fan run faster and cool the heatsink more could cause condensation. But I'm sure you know more about it than I do and I'll listen to you on that one.


Since you guys are targeting Overclockers for the product and we're known to like to use our personal favorite fans on everything, allowing us to do so would make myself and I've seen a few others mention on fans just in this thread happy ;)

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*cough* sold out *cough*


Technically he's not wrong. :)


LOL Yeah, I know.

But I came close to buying one while they were in stock. The lanyard/turnbuckle changed my mind.

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So if we cannot change the fan, the question is what happens if the fan goes? I'd guess contact you guys for a replacement, that hopefully isn't extremely overpriced ;) I'm not quite sure on how having the fan run faster and cool the heatsink more could cause condensation. But I'm sure you know more about it than I do and I'll listen to you on that one.


Since you guys are targeting Overclockers for the product and we're known to like to use our personal favorite fans on everything, allowing us to do so would make myself and I've seen a few others mention on fans just in this thread happy ;)


The only thing is that our fan uses 9-pin connector rather than a 3-pin connector. We have been working our next revision to lower the noise level without compromising the performance.


By the way, if the fan goes out in the warranty period, we can send you another one or swap a new cooler for you.

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