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975 oc'ing mini guide


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Haven't had a problem with heat on my northbridge. I did have it watercooled for a time but put the stock cooler back on with some Ceramique, don't think it's gone higher than 45C, but then I'm using somewhat less FSB than you and I'm still in that same cold room. ;) It is maxed out on voltage though.


I tore that ceramic disc off as well and slapped on an Evercool VC-RE. Mostly pointless I suspect, but meh.

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i seem to need at least fsb400 as it supercharges my ram for sum reason. fsb400 @ a 667div runs my ram @ 1000mhz 2.2v 5-5-5-15. i can run it at 1140MHz on a 800div and extra volts slightly lower fsb o/c , but its seems so much slower. sis sandra ram bench is a good half a GHz different and superpi 1m test is a second or 2 diff too etc etc.



You've hit the secondary timings barrier I mentioned earlier, the board auto sets the secondary timings according to fsb and divider, at a certain point the secondary timings are relaxed to allow a higher fsb/divider combination, which as you have found out, is not always faster. That's why I was encouraging those with low latency ram to give cas 3 at ddr 812 or so a bash...





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i will try the cas dropping but just not at the mo. my ram MHz & fsb are a bit to high. i'll hav a go when i try a lower ram div. im fairly stable i think at the moment. 390fsb core1.50-vtt1.35 , north 1.75 , ram 667div 960ish MHz 5-5-5-15 2.15v.i'll post up sum stats later on tonight. i would of already post but my old girl decided to hover my keyboard & mouse while i was at work. some how she managed to stop orthos after 4hours:mad: f**k knows how?

ive also found that like raju said about the boards auto settings. it makes loads of diff. i dont need to push my fsb eney higher after all, as i already seem to be in the right ram auto setting at current settings. far to much heat& volts eney way.

is'nt there eney1 setting their secondary ram settings currently, that would be like the holy-grail:angel: for this chipset??

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The secondary timings in bios have little real performance gains, the major control is read delay, the board uses 6 quite exclusivley, using 7 brings no fsb gain in my experience, anything higher negates any fsb gain. I have used manual settings for the secondry timings, but no real advantage tbh, maybe for benching but that's about it. Using memset gives you access to a few extra settings in xp, however, again, the performance gains are virtually non existent (real world), If you try to go any tighter, you're more likley to lose overall stbility at high ram mhz. Use the refresh rate of 15.6us for a more aggressive timing and slight perofrmance advantage. You will have to experiment with stabilty over ddr1000, again you might want to play with read delay at 6 or 7, if you can get ddr1000 at read delay 6 - orthos stable.

You might wanna use memset to check the secondries at those 2 speeds you named above ( with the speed discrepency) to see the difference in timings, that'll give you a clue as to why the, higher mhz speed that you stated, is actually slower than the lower speed.




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cheers again for the help.

raju, ive been checking memset, i have noticed that the trfc in memset changes from 40 odd to 30 odd.

ive been testing lots of different fsb/ram combations and i still cant work it out. i dont get the same speeds at all. i'll do sum sandra mem benchmarks at the diff o/c's and post them up.



also techno ive only just realised what u were getting at about cold room. my rooms is very cold too, ive turned my radiator off and on my alcoho thermometer ive got reads at the moment 21c. ive been running orthos today while at work again, 9hours. temps in coretemp log at highest were 68c, 1.35vtt core+150 ,fsb390.ram 667div 2.15v. i did leave my window open to and turned fans up but by no means to fullspeed.

my artic heatsink has a 80mm extra fan on the back, mounted on silicone glue. which can shift at full-tilt 73cfm, with its orignal front fan too. my front case fan 120mm can pull upto 110cfm, my sidepanel 120mm 40 odd cfm, and my rear fan 53cfm, and a 80mm fan blowing air down across my ram towards the back of my gpu, so then across my northsink a bit to. not sure of the speed rating.

eney way i'll run sum small fft tests while running coretemp and do a screenshot. at settings in sig.


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here's my ram benchmarks


360fsb vtt1.25 core+87.5, ram 800div 1070MHz ish 2.25v, pcie101MHz



390fsb vtt1.35 core+150, 667div 950-960MHz ish 2.15v, pcie110MHz



400fsb vtt 1.35 core+150, 667div 1000MHz ish 2.15v, pcie110mhz



it does seem to show slight changes in memset, trfc & write to precharge command.

maybe it a combination of that and sum bios secondary ram setting. i'll do sum more testing tomoz & see what happens.

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hi again,

im still trying sum of the stuff you suggested raju, but like uve already said memset has'nt made eney diff .thats as far as ive got so far but ive got a day off tomoz, so i will be able to try some of the other setting and report back.

i edited last post as i put the same link up twice when i copied them off notepad. 'doh':drool:

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been playing with it for a few hours, getting reboots during orthos...



will leave it at 415 overnight,..




is it going to make any difference if i tried using 4gbs of ram to oc?gonna be running vmware with multiple os'es

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