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EVGA 7900 series cards artifact/bsod fix?

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The chances are definitely slim. People having these particular issues seem to run a fairly wide gamut when it comes to make and model of motherboard, and logically that points to something else as being the culprit. The only thing that is really the same among everyone having trouble is that they are all using a 7900 series graphics card, very often factory overclocked. Still, it would probably be prudent not to discount other possibilities entirely I suppose, such as the motherboard. After all, the trick with raising the PCI-E bus speed does indeed seem to work for a few people. Then again, it is also entirely possible that these particular folks were not actually experiencing the same problem as the rest of us, as described exactly in the first post of this thread. And, to be perfectly honest, I have indeed seen what looks to be a discrepancy amidst the assorted descriptions posted among the various tech forums out there. In any case, either this problem will eventually blow over and we'll never know what the problem truly was, or the industry (Nvidia in particular) willl have no choice but to finally come forward and admit once and for all that there is a serious design flaw with the 7900 series. One way or another, it really would certainly be nice if this problem could finally be laid to rest once and for all, that is for sure. Regardless, I can't really complain anymore since things very much look like they are going to work out for me in the end. I mean, so I only get a 100% boost to games performace instead of 120%. Nope, that's really not such a big deal at all hehe. ;)



There is no _Flaw_ with these cards they just have poor Overclocking Memory that can't handle the load thus giving everyone the symptoms on the first post. :D


The new cards which are reloaded with new memory dimms "Infineon" are Nvidia's Fix for these problems and I hope this will not be repeated again in the future.


GO GO Infineon!!!

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no, not poor.... at least not all of them......its just approximately 30% out of the whole Samsung modules on the 7900 series crap out after a few days..... but most are working just fine and can achieve superhighclocks for months now....


Infi is abit stable as it wont crap out like samsung, but they wont (at least on paper) achieve speed higher than samsung......

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Hmm, underclocking the memory didn't help in my case, and I'm sure that I am not the only one who has tried this. I mean, if it were simply a matter of clock speeds being too high, then the problem would easily be remidied for everyone, would it not? I have no doubt that overclocking, possibly made worse by poor memory, is indeed part of the issue, but overall I think there is more to it and that this isn't the sole culprit. The one inescapable fact I know is that, if this were a simple problem to fix, we would have heard about it from someone by now, and everyone would be enjoying their 7900 series cards. Instead we keep hearing about people with RMA woes, where the replacements card(s) have the same problems as the one(s) sent back, in some cases more than once. In this, David is certainly not alone.

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well, actually all the people in evga has been rejoicing wit their "Reloaded" cards, and just last week the Superclock owners got their -BX/-B1 cards that works perfectly fine......


all with the new Infineon RAMs..... underclocking wont fix it.. its just known that the Samsung chips that nvidia pick (not evga or xfx or bfg etc) has about 30% of them made out of china instead of taiwan, and they didnt have long lifespan.....



well of course, i cant say the same wit non-evga ;)

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My current card (the 4th one) is the 256-P2-N567-BX which was "supposably" tested by EVGA.


Well, it has the exact same problems as my 256-P2-N565-AX.


The guy from EVGA (I called to get my effing money back) said "Well it sounds like you have some pretty bad luck"


Well, quite frankly, I shouldn't have to rely on luck to get a good video card. It should work right the first time.


(Note: this is after trying a few different motherboards, RAM, CPU, PSU, etc.)


Long story short I filed with the BBB for fraudulent business practices. We'll see if they give me my money back now.

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I can understand where you coming from as I am at my second RMA and I can't even think about doing a 3rd RMA not to mention a 4th one. I hope you get your money back it's in their interest to do so.

Good luck :)


can you post some scores at stock speeds? What kind of issues where you getting anyways?

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pop the heatsink and check if u get the Samsung or the Infineon memories.... the INF works best slightly lower than 790 (try 750 and go up from there, use ATItool to check), DONT VOLTMOD THEM, these Infies are very sensitives and requir about 48hours of burn-in time to heat up their frequency..... then u can work on them ;)

but if u have the SAMS, just bluntly tell them u DO NOT want another piece of crap and want the -B1 SKU with the Infineon rams, or u'll burn their building to the ground ;)


also, u should post onthe evga forum... whoever got their name there got shipped with Inf ram as soon as theyr out. and gets contacted by the main manager cust service.... (jacob freeman)

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