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Can somebody enlighten me about whats going on please! Core 2 Duo


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Hey guys..


I've been out of this forum for a while and didn't fllow what was going on in cpu market..

so today I heard that Intel is releasing Core Duo Desktop version soon..and then I checked out some benches for Core Duo and AM2.. and I was so depressed to see that AM2 is slipping down.. Conroe does have performance over AM2 clearly.. and Conroe is about 3 times lower in price..

what these benches say is true? I mean is there a reason to buy a FX-62 AM2 when we can get better results with Conroe for 3 times less price...


Doesn't this look scary for AMD?


Please somebody enlighten me about this tsituation... Is there something I missed..??


Thanks guys..!

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Guest caffeinejunkie

Nope you havent missed anything and thats just how these things go. Actually im happy to see this happen it's just better for us in the end. Buying an fx62 right now probably wouldnt be the best idea but before making your decision wait till conroes in the hands of the consumer thats what im doing. But AMDs not down and out because AM2 really isnt conroes answere just wait for k8l.

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Thanks caffe...

I dont wanna go for a Intel.. I like AMD.. but Intel seems to have the upper hand now.. :(

why does it matter if it is Intel or AMD?


why would you be loyal only to a single chip maker when a competing chip maker is releasing a much better product?


I love AMD to death but there's no way I am not going to own a Conroe and enjoy having the best cpu in the world until AMD comes up with something to beat it.

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Guest Kobalt
ah gee


I wondered how long before Tom's Intel Shill




I mean


Tom's Intel Whores







Tom's Hardware Guide



put up their bit about Intel's Conroe lol




LOL, sad but true.


As for CPUs, I go for the one that will give me the performance that I need now, and if it is a good price I get it.


I don't see any reason to switch platforms now, but when that time comes, I will see what intel/Amd/Via offers, and go with the best one in my budget.

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So Intel’s NDA has been lifted and we can read all the independent tests we’ve been waiting for.


It’s Core 2 Duo FTW, or so it seems...


Anyone remember back when the first 1GHz chips came out? The original Athlon Thunderbird was readily available everywhere, but only Dell had the 1GHz Pentiums for the first 6mos or so.


I don’ think this is another paper launch by Intel, there seems to be a lot of engineering samples out there and hopefully Intel has learned from its past mistakes. Besides, paper is obsolete now. But something tells me Conroe chips will be a little more expensive and harder to find than people think.


The prices listed in all the reviews are for quantities of 1000 or more, retail boxed parts will certainly be at least a little more. And it remains to be seen how soon you can get a Core 2 chip from Newegg or Monarch.


Then there’s the issue of GPU limited performance at higher screen resolutions and limited SLI compatibility at the moment.


Rumors of AMD’s demise may be somewhat exaggerated.

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AMD isn't going down the tube. They have a new architecture hitting the streets in 2007 to compete with Conroe. K8L.


You may want to check out "reverse hyperthreading" for AMD and "mitosis" for Intel. Also interesting things.

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One thing to note is there may be very limited avalability with the conroe and a hefty mark up over retail instead of the mark down we are used to with AMD. It will be the new leader but realize that the price is not automaticly going to be cheaper. The cpis are likly going to be more expensive than expected and intel motherboards always seem to be more expensive than the AMD equivelent though Nvidia and ATI might fix that for us.


Also realize that many of the benchmarks we are reading are a bad joke Res of 1200x900 on a top of the line SLI rig with no AA/ AF or eye candy. Are we really going to give up the eyecandy with that rig. Geeeez


Here is a good test site. Anand though better than most is loosing my respect fast and they are one of the best.



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