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The X1900 series overclocking thread

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Hey H_G, quick question...what are the temps on the voltage regs on the x1900's? I noticed that you didnt get the optional addition to the tyee blocks and was curious as to whether the temps on the regs went up or down compared to stock cooling. Though...now that i think about it...did you even have the stock cooler on there for more than 5 mins? lol.

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Tyee blocks increased Vreg temps by quite a bit, however not much more than the stock cooler kept them at. the problem with that tho is that the stock cooler would leave at least some airflow over those heatsinks...and without the fan, the next closest thing is the chipset fan...you can see where this is going...


dinnae have the option of vreg cooling when i got mine...gonna try them out anyway, when i get a chance...




HG...any ideas on chipset block to go with these? the retaining-pinhole for the chipset fan is in the most in-convienient spot




And...um...where's my sig? I know i HAD one:



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the voltage regs are the same temp as with the stock coolers...I have them in a CM Stacker case with a Cross-flow fan and a shitload of extra fans on the radiators (2 pushing, 2 pulling on the dual rad, plus a 120mm on the hdd cage), fans in the back, fan at the top, on the side, in the psu


no difference for me and at 745/846 momma and I just quit playing Titan Quest after about 4 hours (and it is 98F today in Boise and about 80F in this computer lab) etc...the temps were 60C, and now that it is idling, the temp is 41C


voltage reg was 76F and now is 54C


main difference I see is that the gpu would get up to 85C just at 690/700 clocking through the CCC with the stock cooler...

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HG...any ideas on chipset block to go with these? the retaining-pinhole for the chipset fan is in the most in-convienient spot


yeah...an Evercool VC-RE or Iceberq chipset cooler (both are stickies in the Mod /Cooling section and Recommendations section)


I don't suggest watercooling the chipset at all because it is just a waste of time and watercooling efficiency.


Conroe/Intel boards...now those are gonna need watercooled NB's since the NB does all the work...on A64 boards...no need for it since the SB only controls the USB/IDE/SATA/LAN stuff (same as Intel/AthlonXP southbridge)

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my top pick for X1900's = DangerDen Tyee full-sized waterblocks


Heehee....my (eventual, next year) setup will be using the DangerDen Peltiers on the GPU's, combined with my phase change unit on the CPU. :D

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yeah...an Evercool VC-RE or Iceberq chipset cooler (both are stickies in the Mod /Cooling section and Recommendations section)


Already got the iceberq running...but i'd rather it not sucking in hot air off of the x1900's vregs. only reason to watercool...no i definately does not need it, but it can't hurt either...


yeay my sig works again!

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you dont have time to check = why even ask for it then?



here's how you get to 750: you read the links at the beginning of this thread and read read read and test test test


i didnt have time to check=at the time of that post


ehh i think i reached the limit of my card 1.495v wont help it the card locked up css


and i forgot to ask or maybe i did but which one is the arctic silencer cooler that fits the x1900?


i didnt use ccc cause i d its control panel crap i found ati tool way easier to use


im in a room about 50 sq ft big with 3 computers, a treadmill, and a tv and the temp in here is 84ish


volt reg is 61c for me, idling at 58c. all on stock cooling, somehow in my head i think 730/850 on stock cooling idling at 58 is pretty good. am i mistaken? lol

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thats good but you must have some truly revolutionary stock cooler to do 730/850 during full 3d use at those temps because even my aftermarket coolers get up to 70C+ and thats even the ones sitting right under the air conditioner...and my full-waterblock X1900XT gets up to 65C @ 745/846 during full 3d rendering.



as for the Arctic Silencer...check the SVC links in my sig and then look for the ones that fit the X1900 series. I have an Accelero on my X1900 and another Accelero waiting to be installed. I think I might have a Silencer also...I'll have to look (I got crap laying around that I've ordered more than a month ago that hasn't been installed yet lol)

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as for the Arctic Silencer...check the SVC links in my sig and then look for the ones that fit the X1900 series.

They don't have any, and I have'nt seen any on Newegg yet either, right now the ACS is HIS's only edge on the competition so it's a possibility that they wont be available retail for another couple week's. As alway's i may very well be wrong, but Arctic cooling's own website doesnt list a solution for the X1900 series card besides the accelero. at least not specific compatibility.


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thats good but you must have some truly revolutionary stock cooler to do 730/850 during full 3d use at those temps because even my aftermarket coolers get up to 70C+ and thats even the ones sitting right under the air conditioner...and my full-waterblock X1900XT gets up to 65C @ 745/846 during full 3d rendering.



as for the Arctic Silencer...check the SVC links in my sig and then look for the ones that fit the X1900 series. I have an Accelero on my X1900 and another Accelero waiting to be installed. I think I might have a Silencer also...I'll have to look (I got crap laying around that I've ordered more than a month ago that hasn't been installed yet lol)


i applied some as5 to it prior to installation.. maybe that helped a little


im pushing the mem clocks now after finding out that its unstable at 735 core.. maybe i need to push the voltage im at 1.45 rite now. 1.5 is the max i should technically go rite?


thx for the links and the help.. and also do u know by any chance what the white cable connecting the stock cooling fan to the pcb is? i was using pliers to pull it out to install some as5 and my sister tripped over one of my chair legs and i snapped that wire.. operation was still good (i still soldered it back together) but i just wondering what it means. thx


and for ur wc system did u buy a preconfig set or what? i wanna know what u got.. could u like gimme a hand? i know im asking a lot here and i dont expect everything to be answered but if uu could try thatd be great :D


thx a ton

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