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Famous People


what do you think about famous people  

20 members have voted

  1. 1. what do you think about famous people

    • Woo! im a stupid famous person follower!
    • eh? i dont know who he is but hes cool bec hes famous
    • burn famous...
    • :blink: famous? what is this word *lives under a mushroom*
    • I don't have AD(d)..... hey whats that?

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i saw the kobe briant poll... who cares if he raped her or not.. hes famous thats why people care... vote fools, show your indivdugality or how much of a crowd following sheep you are. or just go do something else... AFTER you vote

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i don't even understand the question, nor the choices available. Some proper english and grammar would be useful

you want proper grammer and english from aliencam good luck this is good for him you should see him in the chat room lol :P

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i only care about naked celebs

Nude is nice....but I have over 1600 photos of hot celebrity chicks on my computer, and believe or not, they're non-nude :P They're in my "Mmmm - Hotties" Folder in My Documents, and i collect them to later use for making desktops and crap like that (editing in photoshop, etc).

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lol... i did this realy fast in a rush... this was in a rush, its not normaly THAT bad... close, but not that bad... the question is: what do you think about famous people?







and after further review... this doesnt make much sence just because im not famous.. if i was, it would make perfect sence to you even if you didnt understand it... lol whatever...

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