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WTF HAPPENED TO OUR FORUM??? (heh..read this before you ask/complain/g


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as you can sense


the forum is quite different after being down all day



first things first...we went from VERY OLD 3.0.6 vb which was quite full of some serious exploit holes to the latest 3.5.4, which also means new stuff...new looks...etc


A few friends and a few well known forums got nailed by some l33t hax0rz this week and the writing was on the wall that I get my butt in gear and fix this place a little...besides the mods and I been wanting to spruce up for a while.



Second thing is the temporary looks...


the old admin screwed the templates up pretty darn good...by deleting or overwriting the default template...so when the upgrade happened...it tried to overwrite the default template like the upgrade script insructed...except it encountered a modified default template since the previous admin decide to do exactly what Vbulletin just told me to NEVER do...which is overwrite the default stock templates.






after many hours of fighting with the dang thing, I've got it patched up a bit. I could have just installed fresh from scratch then imported the database...but it would have not imported all of the important permission settings that are probably half the problem as it seems all of the permissions/access masks are a nasty hack job that wasn't done with any grace or skill...





Mr Hamfist_Games had to find a couple of template styles and install them and make sure they worked pretty decently so he could unlock the crack factory you know as DFI-Street before you all showed up at my door with torches and pitchforks (I mean...almost 12 hours after the forums went down there were still almost 200 users trying to access the site...the entire day users have just come knocking)



So I've got it patched up a bit for now. I'm talking right now to an admin that I will be paying that is a professional so we'll get it a little more customized pretty soon.


I've got an order in also with a VB Style creator (two of them actually) to create a custom style/template for the forum based on this:





Complete with icons, etc. I also have a really cool style all ready to go if I could simply figure out how to change one little section of the PSD file and get rid of the default graphic/text and insert a DFI-Street logo (hint hint to all of you who are working on the graphics contest....time is running down for you guys to come up with a killer street sign design...). That particular style is a 'racing' theme with flames and tachometers etc that you will hopefully like.





Now...the first dude that makes a thread other about all of this instead of posting in this one is gonna find out just how stressed out Happy_Games has been today and it won't end pretty for you and maybe 3 of your forum friends. I'm just not in the mood to go closing down a hundred posts about OMFG THESE FORUMZ ARE FUGLEEZ!!!


Understand I am stressed out already but on top of the situation and no matter what the forum looks like, it works, so use it while it's up for the reason that it is here instead of wasting time and forum space complaining about it being down for so long or looking like a car accident on drugs.



We'll get it fixed up...don't worry.


thx for being patient.


use this thread for feedback or to complain or to scream at me.

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so glad to see shes back up and running! I panicked this morning when I sat down with my coffee, clicked over here to read the new posts and got the server down message! Glad to see its back up, no matter what it looks like, as long as I can read the text, thats all that matters to me, thanks for a great site guys! I would have never gotten my rig running without all the great people here!

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there will be some great plugins once I get an admin that can clean up all the crap code from the previous version


I've already downloaded the "Categories" bit that we used to have that allowed you to put a category thing before (if you notice in the NF4 section for example, that is all gone).


new upgrades always give you a good deal of new things to do...we've finally implemented the Reputation thing too so that will hopefully help new members know who is worth trusting etc.

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Guest caffeinejunkie

who cares about the theme I mean I got my crack back thats all that matters



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Please please PLEASE give DFI-street a black/dark background with white/some light color fonts... staring at the miniature SUN that is my monitor for several hours each day is killing my eyeballs. I've resorted to highlighting text to make it easier on me.

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Please please PLEASE give DFI-street a black/dark background with white/some light color fonts... staring at the miniature SUN that is my monitor for several hours each day is killing my eyeballs. I've resorted to highlighting text to make it easier on me.

lol wondered how long before someone bitched about the two themes lol


I suppose i could put a dark one in temporarily...but I'd have to shut the forum off for another 30 minutes or so...

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