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WTF HAPPENED TO OUR FORUM??? (heh..read this before you ask/complain/g


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I just realized that ReelFiles is from Germany.. Dam dude do you ever sleep ?.. lol
HAHA, I sleep about 5 hours a night and he's up all the hours I am and then I wake up and he's posted 8 more times.

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spell checking should be something you are ok with


bad spelling is just something makes you look immature and illiterate


some ppl are naturally bad spellers


most are just lazy


I would think you would want others to respect you a little more by having at least proper spelling (if not proper spelling AND proper grammar if you are native english speaker).


When I see adults and even kids that can't spell or can't be bothered to spell, my view of them dims greatly as I think "man...here's a person who got a free education and can't even be bothered to spell anything correctly".


It won't make me not help you...and I am sure you don't care one way or another if I or anyone else respects or looks down upon you etc...but seriously...to me it's the same as if you walked into a restaraunt where I was eating and just started cursing the F-word and other nonsense loud enough where everyone could hear you...its annoying, its classless, and it shows others that you don't care enough to take a moment to be mature.


Yes spelling is a big deal to me. I spell words wrong but I also spell 99% of my words correctly (and I am a high school dropout)


I disagree. I Graduated from High School. I don't thank people should be judge buy there seplling , the way the dress , look , if they smoke or not , Work on computers , or just a Brain in school. It's not right.


It's like dr_bowtie said you can either please some of the people all of the time or all of the people some of the time. Like the old saying that you can't judge a book by it cover. IMOP judgeing people is just Predigest ( or discriminating ) they are no different than people were in the 20's & 30's. I have always hated people that judged othere because they thank they are so high & mighty and they have the same or more flaws than the person they are Judging. I thank the reason they judge people is so they can make them selves feel better. Like a bully that picks on kids so he can get Attention. I'm sorry but I loose all respect for people that Judge other people. No bodys perfect not even the people that Judge others. They need to look in the Mirror and really see who they are & what they look like.


What give people the right to judge others ??? I would like to know. They Don't have a right if ya don't like just leave or don't help them. I only judege people that Judge others. In my oppion they are s***. Sorry but that is the way i feel.


The only one that is to judge me is my maker. Anyone else that judges me can go straight to he** for all i care :mad:


If you feel like ya have to ban me or delete this post fine


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I disagree. I Graduated from High School. I don't thank people should be judge buy there seplling , the way the dress , look , if they smoke or not , Work on computers , or just a Brain in school. It's not right.


It's like dr_bowtie said you can either please some of the people all of the time or all of the people some of the time. Like the old saying that you can't judge a book by it cover. IMOP judgeing people is just Predigest or discriminating they are no different than people were in the 20's & 30's. I have always hated people that judged othere because they thank they are so high & mighty and they have the same or more flaws than the person they are Judging. I thank the reason they judge people is so they can make them selves feel better. Like a bully that picks on kids so he can get Attention. I'm sorry but I loose all respect for people that Judge other people. No bodys perfect not even the people that Judge others. They need to look in the Mirror and really see who they are & what they look like.


What give people the right to judge others ??? I would like to know. They Don't have a right if ya don't like just leave or don't help them. I only judege people that Judge others. In my oppion they are s***. Sorry but that is the way i feel.


The only one that is to judge me is my maker. Anyone else that judges me can go straight to he** for all i care :mad:


If you feel like ya have to ban me or delete this post fine.



Don't judge others? You judge other people all the time (in determining who you want to be around and who you consider safe). It is called self-preservation. I will grant you that judging a person by appearance alone can cause you to miss out on meeting some pretty cool people in life. Discrimination is not wrong, it is part of the human condition and is neccessary for survival. Your statement is not only overly general but also contradictory. I personally have a strong disdain for smoking and am active in keeping smokers away from my family when they light up (I will tell a smoker to move away if they light up around my son). I am prepared to take the consequence if they get violent as a result. I keep my family out of bad areas where ever we go (meaning really economically depressed areas which are more likely to be frequented by druggies/whores/homeless people).


As for how a person appears: A person has a choice in how they dress so if someone else judges them by their appearance then so be it. I am sorry but I do value education and think a bit more highly of someone who has exercised the self-discipline to set educational goals and meet them. I also place a high value on skills and craftsmanship (which are a result of non-academic forms of education but are still evidence of a highly intelligent person).

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Don't judge others? You judge other people all the time (in determining who you want to be around and who you consider safe). It is called self-preservation. I will grant you that judging a person by appearance alone can cause you to miss out on meeting some pretty cool people in life. Discrimination is not wrong, it is part of the human condition and is neccessary for survival. Your statement is not only overly general but also contradictory. I personally have a strong disdain for smoking and am active in keeping smokers away from my family when they light up (I will tell a smoker to move away if they light up around my son). I am prepared to take the consequence if they get violent as a result. I keep my family out of bad areas where ever we go (meaning really economically depressed areas which are more likely to be frequented by druggies/whores/homeless people).


As for how a person appears: A person has a choice in how they dress so if someone else judges them by their appearance then so be it. I am sorry but I do value education and think a bit more highly of someone who has exercised the self-discipline to set educational goals and meet them. I also place a high value on skills and craftsmanship (which are a result of non-academic forms of education but are still evidence of a highly intelligent person).


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I don't judge people by the way they spell , look or anything else. Granted I have my freiends but i don't go look at the butt he can't do anything hahaha. I never liked people that do tha. Like when you go the the mall or to eat ya always here some one say look at the guy he's so fat how could some one live like that. Well look in the mirror your not that skinny. Or flook at the ugly dress what would she buy that. Kids get teased at school like look at tat geek , teaches pet , mamas boy , or how dam stupisd is that kid he can't do the math proble correct or look at the stupid idiot he cant spell. The is the same way as Prople judged others in the old days. IT's Not Right to judge someone. So what if he cant spell or do math you have no right to judge opther people. If you want to judge other than make dam sure you'r perfect. Oh wait your not.

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In my defense my early reputation points post were not done with malice or to inflate mine or other’s egos.


Yes I am guilty of a few not so deserving reputation points’ posts. I also received some as well.


When this was done it was very early after you opened up this wonderful new looking forum. At that time I did not know or understand the true meaning or your passion towards them.


I was merely testing the functionality and new things within the forum. In my opinion no real harm there. I know and understand now.


Yes I understand I am an adult and if I just thought about it with more understanding and intellect I would have come up with the conclusion that this would have made somebody unhappy or offended.


Forgive me if I caused you any grief or tried to portray myself any better than I truly am.


I gave points out before and after I knew the true usefulness and your passion of the reputation point system. I also posted comments for everyone that I gave points to. I do know who the individuals are and the comments I posted. Perhaps the comments will be a mandatory field in the future.


Ninety percent of the reputation points I posted were very well deserved in my opinion. This was mainly for help with my Toaster rig setup. I also post reputation points for moderators to include you. From the compassion in my heart and in my opinion, they helped me and I felt they deserved it


Please do whatever you need to do with the reputation point system. The merits of posting and helping others is truly enough for me. One thing is certain that if reputation points system is to survive the point given are truly opinions.


Thank you for your time Happy. Please post or PM me your thoughts on my defense.



no need to worry


we are going to wipe the reputation points when the forum is done the way we like it and we put up a proper explanation of the reputation system

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I disagree. I Graduated from High School. I don't thank people should be judge buy there seplling , the way the dress , look , if they smoke or not , Work on computers , or just a Brain in school. It's not right.


It's like dr_bowtie said you can either please some of the people all of the time or all of the people some of the time. Like the old saying that you can't judge a book by it cover. IMOP judgeing people is just Predigest ( or discriminating ) they are no different than people were in the 20's & 30's. I have always hated people that judged othere because they thank they are so high & mighty and they have the same or more flaws than the person they are Judging. I thank the reason they judge people is so they can make them selves feel better. Like a bully that picks on kids so he can get Attention. I'm sorry but I loose all respect for people that Judge other people. No bodys perfect not even the people that Judge others. They need to look in the Mirror and really see who they are & what they look like.


What give people the right to judge others ??? I would like to know. They Don't have a right if ya don't like just leave or don't help them. I only judege people that Judge others. In my oppion they are s***. Sorry but that is the way i feel.


The only one that is to judge me is my maker. Anyone else that judges me can go straight to he** for all i care :mad:


If you feel like ya have to ban me or delete this post fine



y'all need to lighten up a bit


i never said no one was going to quit getting help if they didn't spell right


its a terrible excuse though to say that you don't spell well and shouldn't be judged. You damn right i'm gonna judge. I didn't even graduate from high school and I can spell correctly and use proper grammar...why can't you (not YOU specifically but YOU as in everyone who went to school and graduated at least...come on you have to have certain skills before you can graduate high school sheesh).


Stop acting like someone is trying to be a spelling bigot towards you, and grow up and be mature and spell correctly. There's just no excuse for it. None. One guy might have dylsexia but dyslexia affects less than 10% of the population so that's not a viable excuse for anyone to use.


Again...grow up and be mature and spell like you were taught. If you weren't paying attention in school because you were too busy checking out Judy's newly sprouting breasts or were spending all of your time waiting for lunch so you could go smoke a doobie with your shop-class friends out in the parking lot...thats just too bad.


You know I won't stand for ridiculous excuses and any excuse other than "I am stupid" is just not gonna cut it. And not a single one of you here is that stupid because you can all put your own computers together and you can all read everything there is to read about putting your computers together.


I get real tired of people crying to me that I'm too mean or too harsh because I expect something that is expected of you every single day. When you apply for a job do you fill out the application in crayon with big mispelled letters?


No, you damn sure don't do that.


When you write an important letter or write anything that someone is going to read, do you fill it out with big mispelled crayon letters?


No you damn sure do not do that either.


So why is it so hard to spell correctly here in this forum where it is important for everyone to understand exactly what you are saying so they can help you (or you can help others)?


Again, there's no excuse.


I have to say if you don't agree with this, then that is just lazy thinking and I will look down upon you for that.


It won't change my interaction with you one bit...I deal with bad spellers that seem to never have made it past 3rd grade on a daily basis (until I tell them they did this or that wrong and then they start this bs about how they are college graduates and make more money than me...except it looks more like:


IM a colej graduit so dont tel me i dont no wut the hel i am do in rite or rong)


Now what kind of respect could you possibly have for someone who is so lazy that they can't be bothered to even use a spellcheck to make an important email or post to tech support to get help?




so in closing, out of 22,000 members, there's maybe 14,000 that are American/Canadians, and out of those 14,000 there might be 10,000 of us from America and out of those 10,000 Americans MAYBE about 500 of you are actually dylsexic or have brain damage.


The rest of you have no excuse.


Like I said, you can frown upon me for my feelings all you want. I surely might frown upon you for being so lazy you can't be bothered to spell, but it won't change how I treat you (other than occasionally bitching about your terrible spelling). I will still help you, I will still joke around with you, I will still be the same old Happy towards you.


But hopefully you will read this and be just a little ashamed that you have been sticking up for lazy people who can't be bothered to spell correctly, when they DO know how to spell but use some stupid excuse like "it's just the internet, who cares".


I mean come on people...is it really that hard to try and present yourself as persons who are at least semi-intelligent? (keep in mind you can teach monkies to do just about every human job/action there is but you can't teach a monkey to read and write and spell so if you can't read and write and spell then you are no better than a caged monkey who throws poo and eats ticks off their mates).

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