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Worldcup 2006 (merged)


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HOLY CRAP! Australia vs Japan? Amazing goddamn game. Japan was up 1-0 on a goal that shouldn't have been allowed (goalie obstruction).


However, Australia put 3 goals in the net in the last 8 minutes. Two goals from Cahill (Aston Villa) and one Aorioi (something like that) who also plays in a Premiership team. Amazing game.


So now, Japan has to most likely beat Croatia (unlikely) or tie Brazil (unlikely). I foresee this group as Brazil and whoever wins the Croatia vs Austrialia game.

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Yep even as a liverpool supporter i've always admired Tim Cahill (everton)


1st goal will have bought alot of pleasure to old strikers who in the uk at least think the rules have been tightened to much over the years to protect goalies. In some of the old clips you see goals were scored by putting ball & keeper over the line :) :shake:


luck :)

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darn....both my teams have now lost in the first round.....Iran and the United States...



C'MON YOU TWO!!! PICK IT UP!!! nice games though, just a bit 'o bad luck...


**Can you believe McCain wanted to ban Iran from the WC? All that does it increase anti-US sentiment in Iran**

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Well big dissapointment... but will talk about it in the next paragraphs.


Japan vs. Australia, what a weird result: Japan showed all the necesary football arguments to win, and not just by 1 goal diference... but they missed on the last 1/4 of the field and didn't complete any of they goal aproaches they have. Australia on the other hand, did somebody told them the War was over???? LOL :shake:


Foul after foul after foul... ok, want to play rough, thats one thing... go try to walk over the rival team, thats something else. And Hiddink, what was he thinking? Viduka is overweight, and Kewel has not getting over a groin injury :rolleyes: Kennedy showed something diferent and changed the face of the Australian offensive since 10 seconds after he went in, then Cahill completed the task... I wonder why these two didn't start the game. Aloisi should have played instead of Viduka in my opinion. But the 3-1 result says Hiddink was right... :rolleyes:


Now to the big dissapointment... what tha hell happend to the US????????????


I am very dissapointed, where was all that heat they always show when playing vs. Mexico? Just 4 days ago Donovan said to the Mexican TV "I hope Mexico can go to the next stage, so we can play against them and humiliate them again"... well, Mexico has very good chances of going to the next stage Landon, while the US chances are getting very slim now :rolleyes:


1-0 and was a big mistake from Keller... he gave the ball to the Czech midfield and that ended up with the giant Kohler scoring. Ok, it was just an accident I thought, and the Czech's are #2 in the world according to FIFA... but then the US was just not in the field: they didn't try anything, except passing high balls hoping the small US offence could beat the HUGE Czech defense. Zero creativity... then Rosiki scored a very beautiful goal, another accident someone might say since the US defenders could not kick the ball farther and instead put it in the feet of the guy who scored the goal. Things went really boring in the second half and by the 25 minute I saw what appeared to be a change of attitude... but then the Cezch scored again. And all this while Bruce Arena was resting in the bench :mad:


My question is: the US can only play well against Mexico? I really hope they change this turist attitude they have, for a second I thought they were there to visit the German cities... the guys in the stadium, tens of thousands I think, deserve better and not see a pathetic performance from their national team... specially when we all know they are capable of something better.


Next game is against Italy, which will measure forces against Ghana in 50 minutes... the US can change the tide by making a great game against these two and go to the next round, hopefully.

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just alittle prediction from my end......


USA, after a little more digging... they're supposdly pretty good. mind u, that was the first time i saw them play international game, and omg they suck. S-U-C-K. hence my previous post's comment... but they are, on white paper at least, are pretty good. they beat mexico which i believe a great team...


now, my prediction on US's future matches.......


1. vs Italy. should i say more? most of these guys r still pretty freaked out after finishing Serie A, (go Juve, my fav. team) and many other tournaments.... they're still warmed up. And as record shows, i just don't think USA stands a chance. at all. but i might change my mind after seeing italy's first game in WC vs Ghana in 32min... ah...Ghana... that brings us to...


2. vs Ghana. I never heard of this team before. ever. (yes im not a huge soccer fan except for italy). and yet it seems a very secretive team with many talents! they hold a huge responsibilities in their shoulder being the only team from Africa, and they intend to show it. Let me just put it this way, if Ghana managed to score 2 goals with Italy (1 can be considered luck), then USA can say goodbye to the next round....


i was going to say Italy and Ghana are my 2 fav to go to the next round.... but after seeing Czech..... ouch.... i dunno...... this group might be a very intersting group........




On to other topic: Aussie vs Japan...


awwww i luv Japan... becoz i like anime and ramen :D and i have great respect for those guys.... hardworking little fellows... and it seems that they do have all the qualities to win! great players (ok not GREAT, but its not that bad), good strategy, focused play....


BUT theyre just getting RUN OVER by those huge aussies LOL..... omg...... ever seen any sport anime that shows jap players against US players? (eyeshield21 or Soccer), its totally like that!! those poor fellow is literally being bump, run over, pushed, and kicked (somebody did on the 1st half) lol


oh well, i still hope japan would somehow win :D

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