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The HUGE BIG-BIG Windows Vista Thread


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stupid question....


How do you activate it...???


On my 1st install I did it from a cleared cmos state...then I loaded Vista... I forgot to set the date/time...It installed fine then I changed the time/date in windows...when I rebooted I got the expired need to activate screen...tried from there and kept getting an error...


So I fresh installed again with the check box activate while online... I still see "14 days left till activation" I see nowhere to activate it....any ideas....


Other than that I like it... the second install black screened at the end.. so i rebooted it... took right off and I'm typing on it now.... I did turn off windows defender and that phishing thing..... 0cpu usage and 40memory idle....


Ok I found it... control Panel...System.... On the bottom of the page.. it tells you how many days are left and an option to activate it... I did...


Also.. anyone have any trouble with yahoo messenger or MSN 7.5 messenger... I can install them... but I can NOT sign in... both are allowed in the fire wall...hmm.. I installed Avast but never used it...

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thanks CPDMF ;) it worked for the 32 bit Im still confused why i got a key when i downloaded 32bit but didnt get one for the 64 bit




WoW does it really use 15 gig to install? Or is that mim HD space?


I used the same key for x64 as x86, and it's taking up 7.9Gb on a clean install with all drivers installed.




Has anyone compared the x32 version to x64, is x32 faster or what?


Has anyone tried to install the nF4 platform drivers on an nF3?


I just installed x86 after a week of x64 and it seems more responsive right off the bat. Seems driver related.


This thing is stupid... I have been Fin' with these network setting for hours. I decided to clear the CMOS and go from scratch... LOST my damn CMOS jumper :rolleyes: pulled every wire out of my case, still couldn't/haven't found the jumper, grabbed a jumper off that audio thing... put it all back in, booted and now I'm online. :confused: WTF? :tooth: This must be "Big Bill's" idea of a joke... :P


Has anyone updated this yet?




Got a wierd error when trying to update... anyone else? No SLi either... :confused:


I updated the audio drivers automatically in x86, and got some Windows Defender updates when I was using x64. Both my network adapters work fine.


I am getting Machine Check Exception errors during the beginning of the installation...right after the curser appears but before I get to choose where to install etc. I have stripped my system down to just an optical drive, memory, video card, and hard drive. and i still get the error. I can install windows xp pro, xp x64 edition, and even vista build 5365. I updated to the latest bios but still get the errors. I have tried all sorts of bios configurations but still ccan't get it to work. Any thoughts would be appreciated. I'm currently running no overclock.


Maybe a bad burn, or a lose ide/sata cable.

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Trendmicro PC-cillin Internet Security for Vista beta 2 free trial till October 31st ( my birthday ;) ) My wife called it PC Chillin' hehe


After a few addons I have 11.5Gb used...



Found a small bug;


When I was emptying a lot of files from the Recycle Bin and I accidentaly clicked cancel, then tried to empty it again Vista tried to delete some of the files it had already deleted the first time again. Since they were not there I was prompted whether I wanted to create the missing files or skip them. Can anyone confirm this? (x86)

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Trendmicro PC-cillin Internet Security for Vista beta 2 free trial till October 31st ( my birthday ;) ) My wife called it PC Chillin' hehe


After a few addons I have 11.5Gb used...



Found a small bug;


When I was emptying a lot of files from the Recycle Bin and I accidentaly clicked cancel, then tried to empty it again Vista tried to delete some of the files it had already deleted the first time again. Since they were not there I was prompted whether I wanted to create the missing files or skip them. Can anyone confirm this? (x86)


I can confirm this for x64


BTW, so x32 was more responsive? Was it more stable, or are they both the same?

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Well, just ran into my first BSOD, lowered my OC from 275x10 to 270x10.

I had 1 or 2 BSods with x64 over the course of a week. x32 does seem to run smoother. I am using a little less memory since the new install, but I am also being careful with what I am installing. I am sticking to the bare essentials with this one, and am going to tweak the services tomorrow.


I want to change the soundscheme to the real Vista one, I found it somewhere a while ago, and I am surprised beta 2 is still using the XP one. I tried using search but it really sucks. I tried searching for *.wav and it couldn't find any on the vista partition, I really don't like the new search. I will see if the sounds are mp3 or wma, or something tomorrow. Does anyone know where the sounds are stored in Vista?

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I'm thinking of ditching Vista and going back to XP Home (Lost my Pro CD), at least until there are better drivers for it and games run better in it. But has anyone played anything on Vista? I haven't been able to, but has anyone? Is it better or worse than than on XP??



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