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The HUGE BIG-BIG Windows Vista Thread


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i just installed Vista RC1 today on my rig. all was going well after a looooong upgrade until i tried to connect to the internet. for some reason nothing will connect, windows says im connected and recognizes the network, but after opening aim, mozilla, and IE all they do is just sit there and time out. any info or links to drivers to resolve this issue would be awesome.


Have you tried disabling ip4v checksum offload?


instructions: http://www.dfi-street.com/forum/showpost.p...8&postcount=736

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Ok I will give it a go , if i can find the damn PostIt with the cd key on it


Edit: Ok thankfully I found the PostIt in a drawer full of PostIt's. its installed and feeling quite nice.


Any good software links ie, Firewalls , anitivirus, cd burning, compatability list would be helpful before I begin to wade through this huge thread :)

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Crap I have beta 2 build 5387 installed but I cant get it to update 80070057 error or something to that effect. bit of google tells me they dont update that build anymore and to download rc1 so i followed the link and it tells me i have had my lot of keys.


Thing is when i go to the link to download RC1 it downloads a tiny fragment of the ISO namely 1.2kb and thats it. is it still possible to get RC1 ?


EDIT : Oh dont reply to this one, was a security setting in my firewall that was the problem, Downloading now :) but the key will still work yes?

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Well I am trying the vista beta at the moment and so far i would NEVER move to it. Takes forver to boot, uses like 600mb just at startup without running any programs, the internet is EXTREMELY makes me remember when i had dial-up, and with the new Nvidia drivers its not SLI capable or something cus i don't see it in the control panel. Hope it gets better

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I saw this article about gaming performance: http://www.xbitlabs.com/articles/video/dis...ce-preview.html


Since my interest in Vista disappeared and besides everything else of more importance in life I've been busy learning about Qemu in Linux, and trying to get different video-codec to work together nicely in Windows XP (how said video codec is difficult in Linux?), I didn't install Vista at all...



... so my question is: how does the regestry look in Vista? Has it improved or it looks pretty much the same?

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Well I am trying the vista beta at the moment and so far i would NEVER move to it. Takes forver to boot, uses like 600mb just at startup without running any programs, the internet is EXTREMELY makes me remember when i had dial-up, and with the new Nvidia drivers its not SLI capable or something cus i don't see it in the control panel. Hope it gets better



I had the beta installed and I didnt like it also, but after getting the RC1 version I really like that. It boots as quick as XP Pro if not quicker and it only uses 300mb, plus BF2 works with no problems, The GUI is very nice unlike XP which looks nasty. I love the chess game...lol

I think I would move to vista without a doubt when it gets released depending on the price.

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