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New DFI Lanparty UT NF590 SLI-MR2/G

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haha. Well I think it will be worth the waiting considering the ASUS mobo apparently doesn't even have enough volts to run OCZ DDR2 800 memory according to new egg reviews. Also there seems to be a correlation with how soon the mobo debuts and bugs (look at MSI AM2)


Now that there are dual core video cards (7950) to me the 570 SLI really doesn't make any sense (other than the possibility of that extra PCI-E slot being useful for something else in future). So I'll be happy with 570 "ultra" if the 590-SLI is too expensive.


Actually the "ultra" makes a lot of sense for a budget system. Heck I could still run dual x 8 SLI (just like 570- SLI) and not even need a SLI compatible PSU thanks to these dual core Video cards that I'm sure will be coming out more and more.

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Yeah, everything will be on some tuesday! :P man, I don't think I can wait any longer


I knew he was pulling my leg, but I'm really hoping DFI comes out with something nice because everything else looks only so-so in AM2.


I was gonna build 939, but the price of AM2 looks identical for mobo/CPU/memory. With a AM2 set-up I have something to look forward to when 65nm comes out even though the extra bandwidth of DDR2 memory seems meaningless now.

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After reading all this for a couple (or more) hours, I'm gonna put in my 2 cents worth. I just don't remember what it is.


Before this Ultra-d, I exclusively used Asus boards. I've built my rigs for 13years, maybe more, if anyone else ever had a Packard Bell 286 you know why.

(Still not the tech heads some of you are) I never tried to overclocked till the xp3000+ didn't run Civ4. It was locked and the Asus a7n8x wouldn't turn up the fsb. Well, it would but it didn't work. So I got the DFI. Scared at first, but it went smooth and I have less problems with it then the a7n. What's my point?, stability. Maybe it's the opti, maybe it's the DFI. Maybe both. But at 2.9g I've been running Rosetta 24/7 for a month now and not a glich. 25+ hours of Prime95, (need to update the database) The Ultra-d is more stable than the last Asus I had. I think their ship has sailed.


That said, I'm going to upgrad my daughter's nearly new xp3000+ (hehe, new to her, and better than the p3 she had) with another 939 board. But I'm going to cheap out with Asrock so I can use the agp and the old Centon DDR for now. And upgrade her to am2 for cheap later. The reason, the 3800 is half the price it was 3 months ago. And it's still a kick butt cpu. That's what I think about the new tech. I can get the still good tech for half the price when the new stuff comes out. But a year from now that 590 chipset and conroe looks awefull sweet, but I gotta wait for the 65nm AMD's first and see what they do. :)

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After reading all this for a couple (or more) hours, I'm gonna put in my 2 cents worth. I just don't remember what it is.


Before this Ultra-d, I exclusively used Asus boards. I've built my rigs for 13years, maybe more, if anyone else ever had a Packard Bell 286 you know why.

(Still not the tech heads some of you are) I never tried to overclocked till the xp3000+ didn't run Civ4. It was locked and the Asus a7n8x wouldn't turn up the fsb. Well, it would but it didn't work. So I got the DFI. Scared at first, but it went smooth and I have less problems with it then the a7n. What's my point?, stability. Maybe it's the opti, maybe it's the DFI. Maybe both. But at 2.9g I've been running Rosetta 24/7 for a month now and not a glich. 25+ hours of Prime95, (need to update the database) The Ultra-d is more stable than the last Asus I had. I think their ship has sailed.


That said, I'm going to upgrad my daughter's nearly new xp3000+ (hehe, new to her, and better than the p3 she had) with another 939 board. But I'm going to cheap out with Asrock so I can use the agp and the old Centon DDR for now. And upgrade her to am2 for cheap later. The reason, the 3800 is half the price it was 3 months ago. And it's still a kick butt cpu. That's what I think about the new tech. I can get the still good tech for half the price when the new stuff comes out. But a year from now that 590 chipset and conroe looks awefull sweet, but I gotta wait for the 65nm AMD's first and see what they do. :)



Oh yeah I agree if you have old parts to re-use then 939 still looks good, but if starting from scratch I can't see an advantage of choosing 939 over AM2 at this point. Like HG said when new Nforces first get introduced they are buggy, but I'm not even sure that is a good reason to forgoe AM2 either because they also sell Nforce 4 AM2s mobos.

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Does anyone else think it is ironic that the latest DFI website announces the release of a Conroe mottherboard, for which chips will not be available for a few more weeks, but has no mention of AM2 motherboards (not even in the socket pull down menu) for which chips have been available for over 6 weeks? :confused:


The DFI marketing folks needs to get their head out of their *&^&**#@@.

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