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Good to see the GGG still pumping.:)


I've sold on my 3G Opty/DFI and finally moved to the dark side.


Q6600 on a GA-965P-DS3 and a 2Gb set of Ballistix. First set of RAM lasted two days till one stick decided to die. The replacement set also lasted 2 days. :(:(:(


Now I'm in the process of RMA'ing the Mobo, which I'm sure is the culprit, and having to direct RMA the Ballistix 8500's to Crucial. :(


I miss my DFI Expert. lol.


The Q6600 does seem good for 3.4-3.5 though... which will be great... if I ever get to use it.

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Failed again after less than 30 minutes... this is already . me off. Have the stuff set at STOCK everything now, RAM is at 5-4-4-12-2T (it's rated timings) at 2.3Vs, if it fails again, I'm gonna loose it. Probably gonna end up getting a new motherboard at this rate, this one is . me off beyond belief, and it's becoming obvious that if I can't get THREE DIFFERENT RAM SETS to run at their freakin' rated timings, the motherboard is the problem.

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Guest navinjohnson



I really do hope that you get it sorted out quickly because I'm interested to see it stable at 3.8+

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I just got my Asus P5N32-E back from RMA so I will give my quad a run on that before I switch everything over to my P35. So far with a C2D the P35 is a better choice over the 975 965 680i so I imagine it will be the same with the quad. I'm actually impressed considering this is the first abit board I have owned since my NF7-S..

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Yeah... I'm getting tempted to switch mobos. If it doesn't pass within the next 48 hours, I probably will. I know for a fact this damn RAM can do what it says it can do, cuz half the people that I've seen review it say it's 8+ Hours Prime Stable at OVER 1066MHz with 2.3Vs, but this board doesn't seem to care if it should be stable...


Tonight, after I do my sims, I'll be testing at 1000MHz 2.2Vs 5-5-5-18-2T @ 3.666GHz. If it doesn't pass that, I'll crank it down a bit more, but if I have to drop below 900, I'll probably RMA the board and slap the 3000+ I have laying around in my DFI board, run that while waiting for the RMA board, test again, if it don't work again, send it back to Newegg for a refund and get a P35.


All I want is for things to pass at STOCK and it can't even do that LOL We'll see in the morning I guess, won't be restarting testing til around 11PM, which means it'll get pass or fail grade at 7AM assuming it lasts that long.

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wow I'm really confused here. When you had the OCZ tony told you 2.3 volt now you say all the reviews say it passes at 2.3 volts. But yet you keep saying your using 2.2 I don't get it. Does your board not do 2.3 volt? or you just being stubborn

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