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1900xt garbage on boot

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I know others have mentioned they get the garbage on the screen before windows logon. has anyone found out why or who to fix this?

Cat 6.4 drivers

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My original 623-1 bios didn't exhibit that problem when I installed my Powercolor X1900XT. It worked from the get go.


However there are a few posts here were users report that the latest m/b BIOS corrected their garbled screen at boot problems.


Last week I flashed to Tony's 0706bta BIOS and can confirm that the problem DOES NOT exist when using that version BIOS. So Tony's 0706bta + CATs 6.3 work just fine (on the Powercolor XT anyway)

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i think your talking about the screen corruption right before windows boot. that occurs with cat 6.4. i dont know of a fix, but nor do i know of anyone saying it is adtually a problem other than looking bad.


edit - that said, i hated it so stuck with 6.3

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i think your talking about the screen corruption right before windows boot. that occurs with cat 6.4. i dont know of a fix, but nor do i know of anyone saying it is adtually a problem other than looking bad.


edit - that said, i hated it so stuck with 6.3


I have a Sapphire xt1900xt, and yes, it does the same with 6.4 drivers off and on.


It's not constant for me and it doesn't really seem to matter much when I upgraded to the new April bios for my SLI-DR.


I'm waiting for all the weird things to happen when there become crossfire drivers for the SLI chipsets. That'll make this look like nothing. :)

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I suggest that you uninstall the 6.4 Catalysts as there are a shitload of problems with it. Stick with the 6.3 Catalysts...


This is exactly what I'm doing now, I formated and reinstalled windows, didn't have time to install GPU drivers yet, but I'll do it tonight with cat v6.3 and update you guys.

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Same garbage here just before Windows logon with Cat 6.4.

I think these drivers forget to clear the video memory buffers and as soon as they are enabled during windows booting, the screen shows the random status of video memory when it is powered up.


It is also a matter of how motherboard bios inits the video card, as these garbages are not seen with Cat 6.4 in an Asus A8N-E.



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Same garbage here just before Windows logon with Cat 6.4.

I think these drivers forget to clear the video memory buffers and as soon as they are enabled during windows booting, the screen shows the random status of video memory when it is powered up.


It is also a matter of how motherboard bios inits the video card, as these garbages are not seen with Cat 6.4 in an Asus A8N-E.




I think you're totaly right, I was getting BSOD sometimes and when I'm restarting, that garbage screen comes up with the BSOD in the background, so your conclusion makes sense to me now, I used the Omega latest drivers based on Catalyst v6.3 and they work perfectly, no garbage screen and no BSOD, I guess I'll stick to them until they release a patch for the 6.4 or maybe just the 6.5...

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