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AMD developing reverse Hyper-Threading?


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I'd hope that the performance gain (if successful) is one of those things that works well with overclocking.

2 Cores w/Anti HT @ 2.4GHz = :)

2 Cores w/Anti HT @ 3.4GHz = :D

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I wonder when the first release will be? I mean i always like new technology but when the release date is ten years from now it wont attract much attention except with long term investors. Now if the release date is withen the next two years i would void my bowls at this anouncement not only because it is cool but that that would be a record of some sort. This could also just be a marketing hype to catalize the purchacing on stock. Great idea though, i cant wait

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sounds pretty cool to me, and if it puts AMD back on the performance map after Conroe drops then tip of the cap to them. I must say that I plan on staying with AMD, but it seems Intel will rip them apart with Conroe. I am just preying that AMD releases quad core before Intel, or maybe they will use this Anit-HT with some 65nm 3.0ghz+ dual cores to tear Conroe a new one. I don't know, all I do know is that 2006 and 2007 will be exciting years!

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