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Whats the Most Important part of a PC in your opinion?


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Most important part of any PC I build is the budget. I would much rather have a well balanced computer that fits within my budget than to buy one or two pricey items and have to skimp on the rest.

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What about the mobo? without a mobo that can accomodate the speeds or capacity of components you want to run, its not worth buying said components.


You could have a great PSU, and processor, yet the FSB of a weak mobo is only #####, so getting a faster processor would be kinda pointless. Or it has a AGP instead of a PCIx16 ....


Also agree with Exroadie on the ram .. as much as the mobo can handle, but wouldnt it only get you so far?


well balanced sounds nice though, wax on wax off, cant have ying witout yang young jedi :P


Edit: Page 2 is mine! :cool:

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Guest Milkshake

Most important for me is CPU. You don't need a good motherboard at all, they all give about the same performance when not overclocking. I've built many systems with no-name mobos and all worked flawlessly.

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BUS................if the bus speed is not on the same page for all the parts, it doesn't matter the cost, size (MB-GB), speed (MHz-GHz).



Because it all comes down to how many lanes, and how fast data can get there.


Which corresponds to GPU/CPU speed, but as said above, I think its BUS speed.



But I would be a fool to not at least mention GRAPHICS...............sorry I am such a visual person.

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Only if it's the right RAM.

Stick 4G of "crap" in an Ultra-D and let me know what you think.


There is no single component that is "most" important.

That's why it's a system.

Doesn't matter what you have, if you don't know what you are doing you'll go nowhere. :)

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A Computer will run faster as it's slower part...is like a chain, it's so strong as its weaker link...



id rather have an FX-60 with 256Mb RAM and Geforce6200 rather than 2Gb RAM and 7900GT with Pentium Celeron............

I think you mean a celeron, its celeron or its pentium, not both at the same time.




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