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Weird Startup Freeze Problem

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Hi I am new to this forum so please excuse me if this has been covered: (I searched but couldnt find anything)


Whenever I restart the computer from winxp, it freezes at the startup screen (at the state before cpu and ide info shows to be exact). I have to press the reset button to restart again and it would go through...(ctrl+alt+del doesnt work). If I restart before going into windows by ctrl+alt+del, it wouldnt freeze. Please help me with this problem. Thank you very much in advance!



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Your power supply is somewhat weak. U got 4 hd's, 2 cd/dvd drives and a 6800gs.


You should consider getting a new one, or test it with a more potent psu to see if the problem appears.

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First step is to upgrade your PSU. High quality, name brand, with a minimum of 480W total power output and minimum of 26A on the 12V rail. Visit the Recommended PSU thread linked above or in my sig. below.


Next step is to pull all non-essential periphials from your rig. You'll need to start with only the following;










Visit the Stock Speed Database and find CPU / Memory similar to yours and borrow those BIOS settings and timings as a starting point. Write them down or print them, you'll need them.


Perform proper CMOS clear. Reboot and load optimized defaults and save. Reboot and enter settings and timings you've previously recorded (if you can't find anything in the Stock Speed Database also check out the Socket939 OCDB). Enable MemTest, save settings and reboot. Run MemTest tests #5 and #8 a minimum of 50 loops. If all passes, run all MemTests 1-8 for a minimum of five loops. If all passes, add next memory stick in other orange slot and re-run MemTest (same procedure as above). If all passes boot to Windows and run Prime95 minimum of 8 hours. If all passes, proceed to add other periphial devices checking your system for proper operation after each additional piece of hardware is added.


One other thing just occurred to me. When you originally installed Windows, did you have two hard drives hooked up? If so you're Windows install is probably boogered. Windows has a nasty habit of trying to write boot files to one drive, and OS files to another if you have two drives hooked up during the initial install. See the link in my sig. titled "my computer dont work"



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Are those IDE HHD's I had a problem with the nF4 IDE drivers and had to uninstall them and install just the windows IDE generic IDE drivers, solved my problem in a flash. Just asking, dont know what PATA are IDE or SATA? Probably a stupid question!

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mkliao, u have a usb flash drive or ipod connected to the usb port? infinity board got problems with storage devices connected through the USB. its a known problem and has no fix yet, except unplugging them.


I just started a thread about boot problems after leaving an IPOD Nano hooked up

all I get is the DFI splash screen INFINITY on start up... I've unplugged the Nano and it wouldn't boot.

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Thank you all for the inputs. I tried to unplugged USB and uninstall NF4 IDE drivers (the easiest possible solution posted) but no luck. I guess I will try to get a new psu and try out again. I will report back the result.


Thanks again.

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Thank you all and I finally figure out the problem: IBM USB PC Camera! This device is not officially supported in Winxp and was causing the problem. All of my other USB devices are working fine, including the card readers on 2405FPW.

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