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Desert Combat


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This is just for those of us who love Battlefield 1942 and why.

Personaily I love the fact that you can use everything you see.

And Second Its The 1st Realy modable game since CS

And 3rd, Because its got Planes.

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If you like the planes, you should try the desert combat mod! It got some of the coolest planes! I think desert combat is better than regular battlefield myself but hey... It is an awesome game!!!

Agreed, DC definately brings out BF1942 and really opens it up. It didn't take me too long to get use to flying a plane, but flying a heli!!! now that requirs some practice!!!


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Yeah the choppers take some time to master, but once you get good with them you can do some damage. I also like having two guys jump into a Black Hawk and one guy man the machine gun, you can do some serious damage with that combo as well. The secret is to make sure the way u fly has the enemy on the side that the gunner is on :lol:

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any of you played road to rome on dc I couldn't figure out how to run it?

Oh and btw I own with the mig and f16. Ever since the new update the choppers suck. They can't take out tanks, and the m41's and bmp's take em out like swiss cheese. Now there just used for ground support!

I am also workin on a server for dc. Im wonderin what bandwith I will need for a 18-24 person game. Anyone know?? I'm gonna get my dad to run the line at his business. (business expense) :P

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I think if your using a busness type bandwidtch, bandwidth will be the least of your worrys. As long as you can get a computer thatll run it decently and a good hook up, it should be smooth.



Anyone interested in a Occ battlefield clan? Something like -=[OCC]=- maybe?


if we had one, i would be :D

Edited by andrusk

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