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We've all see them avertised on TV some time, The Acclamed words most powerful PC, Packing 4gb of ram on a 1ghz bus, a 64pit processer and an radon 9800Pro, All sounds good right? Well Lets here what you think about This so called power house.

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no it doesn't have a 1ghz fsb, just like intel and amd don't have 800 and 400mhz fsbs. double multiplier that's hard set at 5 on the mac.


and mac's claim to be first with the 64bit cpu... NOPE Intel 2 1/2 years ago with itanium (never caught on and never will) which was later outsold by AMD's opteron (released in march). mac can say what ever they want, but it won't change the part about it being a mac.


Imac? no you must have misunderstood: Umac, Iwon't

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Imac? no you must have misunderstood: Umac, Iwon't



I mean, on paper, this looks like the greatest computer ever. Then look at the 9 stock fans and the noise. Then look at the fact you're still limited by software. Then look at the fact that its overpriced. Do a me favor...spell macS backwards.

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MACINTOSH: Most Applications Crash If Not The Operating System Hangs


I don't know why I got certified to work on the evil things. I never plan to touch another one as long as I live.

Edited by bigred

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Yeah, Its a wonder to my how there still in buissness. Other then schools no one buys them, An the only reason schools buy it, is because they want to piss off students. Then again they shouldent get pissed when a teacher smashes it with a bat

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but the case.. its so shiny.... lol i hate macs for more reasons than i oculd ever tell anyone. but realy, other than the os being horrible, and the computers being overpriced about double what they ae worth, and the fact that they are stupid colors (except the shiny one!) and the fact that oyu have to buy upgrade parts only from macintosh, and that the mouse is 1 buttin with no scroll wheel (i might be wrong now) and the fact that their logo is an apple with a bite taken out if it, theyre not that bad. oh ya... i forgot... steve jobs spawned satan... oh well...


for any mac people, it was a joke. everyone else, it was a joke, i dislike macs realy just because of the os and the price... which is realy why moat pl hate them... you may continue liking ot use macs, its your choice. but i claim no responcibility if oyu wake up one night with a crazy person carrying many weapons hovering over your face.



that was a joke too... haha? not trying ot flame macs or anything. or am i?


please dont change this into a flame topic... those allways bug me. more than macs do.

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It is possible to get a windwoes emulator to run some PC programs, but I have no idea how well they work.


People claim that they're really easy to use. That's gotta be the biggest load of crap ever. I tried one once and couldn't figure the crap thing out. No matter what I did, it told me I didn't have the proper priveleges to access my own files.


Then there's the price.


And the fact that only one company makes them.

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the problem i have with macs is that they are TOO USER FRIENDLY! for my tastes. Plus i would be lost without a right mouse button :P I am so happy too this summer my school finaly got rid of the last remaining mac lab. No its a P4 pile lab aHHHH! Im also happy i got my privys back to :P But we they kept a few macs for the teachers i duno why. We got about 5 million dollars worth of PCs just in my school alone. Plus we got 72 more laptops comming for student use.

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