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On The Anniversary Of...


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well, its now been 2 years since that unforutnate day, and i ran across an article that i wanted to share with you folks the day i found it but i kept it in my wallet until today, i found it really interesting, anyways, here it goes:


Interesting Facts: Date of The Attack: 9/11 - 9 + 1 = 11. Sept.11 is the 254th day of the year: 2 + 4 + 4 = 11. After Sept.11, there are 111 days left until the end of the year. The area code to Iraq is 119: 1 + 1 + 9 = 11. Twin Towers, standing side by side, look like the the number 11. The first plane to hit the tower was Flight 11. The State of New York was the 11th State to enter the Union. New York City consists of 11 letters. Afghanistan consists of 11 letters. The Pentagon consists of 11 letters. Ramzi Yousef, who was convicted of the first WTC bombing, contains 11 letters. On Flight 11, there 92 people onboard: 9 + 2 = 11. On Flight 77, there were 65 people onboard: 6 + 5 = 11. The letters in Osama Bin Laden's name add up to 11. ( "coincidence" also has 11 letters )


and for anyone that finds this aticle distastefull or ignorant, i do appologize, thats not how i meant it to come across

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bah looks like Ive done it again... me and my ex g/f's annerversary wasnt

on cinco de mayo but like our 2 month was so we always ran around like "omg you know what today is? its our anneversary!" and ppl would first be thinkin cinco de mayo then after were like uhhh ok....


what does this have 2 do w/ 9-11? that has nothing to do w/ it but I wanted

to relate what Im about 2 say to the part above so don't feel lost yet...

but ya I asked this girl out who Ive been plannin on askin out a long time

and today I finally did it which means if were still 2gether next year

(which hopefully we are) we can run around sayin the same thing...


for some reason noone really cared at school today that it was 9-11....

last year they had like a festival type kind of thing or something on

9/11 which really pissed me off and I wrote this long letter to

our principle and ended it w/ something like if you dont agree w/ me

the terrorists have won... but today they had a short announcement and

a moment of silence and after that noone said a word...

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Its sad that ppl can actually make a festival out of this event. And Kalu cmon that is just purposterous. All those math number games are a joke. I've seen that email countless of times and someone else's email who refuted it.

I think our society finally felt what other western nations faced on sept 11th. Being terrorized was an uncommon thing in the states prior to the 11th. But Americans are perservered after 9-11. Its like Bush said "Those who harbor terrorists are terrorists themselves". Usama can't run and hide forever. I feel Americans will have a sense of relief when we capture Usama, Saddam, or Mullah Omar, dead or alive.

Oh and d3bruts1d that was a nice post on the homepage. Really made me drop a tear. Its good to know that many Americans like you care about what happened and don't forget.

Edited by AYoKoNA

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Srry i could care less about 9/11. It affected my friends, school, life, but i couldnt care less. Hate it when ppl are made out to be perfect just because they died. Ppl die everyday from murder yet we dont care. Some body blows up a building and ohh god they are all angels now.

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Srry i could care less about 9/11. It affected my friends, school, life, but i couldnt care less. Hate it when ppl are made out to be perfect just because they died. Ppl die everyday from murder yet we dont care. Some body blows up a building and ohh god they are all angels now.

yea thats what most ppl say about stuff i.e. cancer, terrorism, disease, etc. until it happens to that person, a family member, or a friend. And who says ppl don't care about other ppl dying everyday from murder? Maybe you don't care, I sure as hell do about murders going on in my neighborhood and elsewhere. Its an aweful shame that you feel that way!

Edited by AYoKoNA

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Srry i could care less about 9/11. It affected my friends, school, life, but i couldnt care less. Hate it when ppl are made out to be perfect just because they died. Ppl die everyday from murder yet we dont care. Some body blows up a building and ohh god they are all angels now.

noone said the people who died were perfect... but whether they were

good or bad they were still part of our society.... you may not care much

about our society and be self-indulged, but hey thats your business....

Noone said you had to care, and Im not one to be prancing around talkin

about trees being burned down and kids starving in Ethiopia but

I do have common sense and I do know who my friends and foes are...

and when it comes to extremists like the people who stole our planes

on 9/11/01 and crashed them into our buildings and killed thousands of our

people for one reason.... jeliousy (spawned from religious bs)...

Your ignorance may shield you from the truth, but the truth still remains

that the people who perpetrated these attacks hate you and everyone you've

ever met who lives the life we live...


Yes people die everyday from murder and disease but you obviously

don't have a realistic take on the world you live... and again I dont mean

because you dont freak out about things like this, but because you seem

to be living in a cycle of taking in bad things and instead of processing them,

directing them at other people in order to hide from it and in your own

unhealthy way of being an "individual".... its too bad you're not that original,

you're just like everyone else like you.... grow up

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Srry i could care less about 9/11. It affected my friends, school, life, but i couldnt care less. Hate it when ppl are made out to be perfect just because they died. Ppl die everyday from murder yet we dont care. Some body blows up a building and ohh god they are all angels now.

Congrats you win my award for worse quote of the day. Just because you dont care doesnt mean other people dont. When someone close to you dies I dont see how you can not care, I cant see how much it really affected you if you feal this way.

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Im not self indulged however i do not see how this ppl died any more tragic a death then those that die everyday. Car crashes, murder, amd what not cannot be avoided but if u read about death all the time in the paper you dont even care. Yes it is no less tragic how these ppl died but i dont see why they deserve more then anyone else. If you dont care for my words ignore me but at least i seem to be the only one who disagrees for a reason.

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And to think I served this great country in the Army so narrow minded people like you can live free and think the f-ed up thoughts you think and then go on with your pathetic excuse for a life with no clue about what it is to care about the people in our society. Your sad bro :( very sad :(:(:( You need a good . whipping. The saddest thing in this life is for anyone person to loose there life, no matter WHO THEY ARE. If your the worst person on the planet it's still sad that you have to loose your only chance you'll ever have at living and enjoying the things that we enjoy. Those poor inocent people who did nothing to deserve what they got will never get to feel love, taste food, hug there children, hug there spouse, see there children grow up, THEY'LL NEVER GET TO DO ANYTHIGN EVER AGAIN, and all you can say is WHO CARES. Your a sick little twisted crap. It's sad because it was a pointless and it was so many inosent people you MORON. And yes it is sad that people die everyday. If a rag head flew a plane into a tower and killed THOUSAND of people all at once EVERYDAY it would go unoticed just like a ll the car wrecks and murders, But it doesn't happen EVERYDAY DOUCHE BAG, THOUSANDS OF PEOPLE AREN'T MURDERED EVERYDAY ALL AT ONCE BY A crapING PLANE. it's called a TRAGEDY. Thank god it doesn't happen everyday.


Sorry about the rant everyone else. People like that piss me off. I sat at work all day today and acomplished nothing but feeling sorry for all those families and orphaned children.

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it being unfamiliar. thats why we care. A long time ago a murder made news like that did. But it became common. Once it is familiar, it isn't such a big deal. Another reason we care is because of the motive behind it. Hate. Anything that causes you to kill because if who they are or what they are is something we care about. Anything racisism, i remember a few years ago 2 men tied a black man to their truck and drug him behind them. That made huge national news because it was hate. If you don't like something someone does its different, they chose that. No one chose to be born the way they were. Hate because of what someone is is the reason we care. Hitler hated because of how you were born, mass murders don't care, they just kill there is no hate involved. The emotion hate is so overly used that I dont expect many people to understand why it is so bad. Hte is worse than you can imagine. You don't hate anyone, nor do I. You probably never will hate anyone. To be capable of hate is evil. if.






Don't call people incompetent. Unless oyu can defend oyur compitence in this subject, the word shouldn't even be mentioned. its opinionated. im not giving my oppinion on death and stuff because I know there are people out there who will call you incompitent for having a dif oppinion. my oppinion is we should rid the earth of those people.




Well gigashadow.. i was writing my post while you wronte and posted that... thank you for showing your inability to let people have their own oppinions. everoyne doesn't have to conform to you. if oyu think they do go live communist there everyoen will think the same as you. Death is there. some people get over it. others dont. let people think as they please or all the "freedom" stuff was just a bunch of hypocrits and a waste of time.


this is becoming a flame topic... its sad that we can't say anything about 9-11 wothout a flame..

Edited by Aliencam

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