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DIY Street Linux Thread.

Guest culinist_merged

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Guest culinist
Well, I fixed my problem with loading ubuntu, but I solved it in a way that I didn't want to. I burned a new copy from a different computer, and installed it on my 160GB SATA drive, and got the same error. "error booting operating system" so then I loaded it onto my 40GB IDE drive and it is working great now. is there any reason that would happen like that? I really would like to have it on the SATA drive!! any suggestions?


also, where do I need to go to get drivers for my geforce FX-5200?


Are you using grub? If so you could hit 'e' at the grub screen and change 'hd0' to 'sd0' on the root line, and see if you can boot then. Not sure why this would be the case since ubuntu should have done that already. But worth a shot if you get around to reinstalling.


As for your vid drivers, the ubuntu repos should have them.

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Thanks Culinist. I will check that out this afternoon. I am at work now. (I work in the computer labs at school, so I just basically cruise the forums and a few other sites while at work, and on the rare occasion someone has a problem, I help them.) But I digress. The reason for this post is a shameless plug for Ubuntu. I LOVE IT!!! when I was running XP, I couldn't play music without the music stopping for a number of seconds and letting the computer catch up. Especially if I was browsing, or using word or excel. I couldn't listen to music at all. When I loaded Ubuntu, I popped in a CD to check it out. It played perfectly. then I ripped it using the juicer program that came with Ubuntu, and as I was ripping, I was playing music, and it worked great. Now I can rip music, play music that I have already ripped, and mess with gimp all without my music stopping and stalling out on me. I am very excited to learn GIMP. Anywho.....Ubuntu is great, and I can't wait to learn more about it!!!

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Quick question for you Linux Gurus. I intend to run a dual boot system running MCE (or XP Pro) along with Sabayan Linux (the official Beryl, apparently). Anyways, I've never used it before so I'm wondering if there is anything I should know, especially if there are any popular sites that might have drivers for the Infinity 975X board it's going to be installed on as I've been Google searching for the past hour or so trying to find any information about it, no go yet.


Anyways, back to reading...

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Drivers are configured in the kernel. Sabayon is based on Gentoo and it will use a generic kernel that has support for a ton of hardware so there won't be any issues for you. If the CD will boot it the kernel will run it.


Might want to read up on Gentoo and familiarise yourself with it. The main advantage to Gentoo is being able to compile programs from source rather than using prebuilt packages.

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As a side note, if you need help and you're a bit too impatient to wait for a response from this forum, i highly suggest joining the respective linux distribution channel on irc.freenode.net its full of people using linux that are willing to help.

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Yea, and hurray for Vista!!......gave me the poop to figure out and load up nvidia graphics drivers for linux :) Like many, have not seen good 3d support since like fedora core 4 (my distro i keep coming back to), but the latest set of drivers, and a search in this thread on 'how to', and this link....




Fedora Core 64 bit, and a 6800 ultra with 3-D support sweet!! now for some games......at least beyound 3-d chess (kind of cool) and ppracer :rolleyes:


Still running xp-32 bit, for office and work stuff from home, but FC-6 is now on to two computers at home...........and growing.....

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After quite a while of tinkering and wishing that someone else had come up with something - I've now got a sensors.conf which works better than the default one:

#### lm_sensors setup for the DFI NF4-SLI-DR ####

#### by e_lion_1 ####

chip "it87-*" "it8712-*"

#### label area: putting the right name on things ####

label in0		   "CPU CoreV"

label in1		   "LDT Bus V"

label in2		   "ATX +3.3V"

label in3		   "ATX +5V  "

label in4		   "ATX +12V "

label in5		   "Chipset V"

label in6		   "DRAM V   "

label in7		   "5VStandby"

label in8		   "Battery V"

label temp1		 "CPU Temp "

label temp2		 "PWM Temp "

label temp3		 "Chipset  "

label vid		   "CPU VID  "

label fan1		  "CPU Fan  "

label fan2		  "PWM Fan  "

label fan3		  "C/S Fan  "

#### compute area: making the numbers right - taken from the ####

#### example sensors.conf file in the tarball				####

compute in3 ((6.8/10)+1)*@ ,  @/((6.8/10)+1)

compute in4 ((30/10) +1)*@  , @/((30/10) +1)

compute in7 ((6.8/10)+1)*@ ,  @/((6.8/10)+1)

#### setup area: acceptable levels o' stuff ####

#### Voltages ####

#### CPU Core ####

set in0_min vid * 0.95

set in0_max vid * 1.05

#### LDT ####

set in1_min in1 * 0.95

set in1_max in1 * 1.05

#### 3.3 V ####

set in2_min 3.3 * 0.95

set in2_max 3.3 * 1.05

#### 5 V ####

set in3_min 5.0 * 0.95

set in3_max 5.0 * 1.05

#### 12 V ####

set in4_min 12 * 0.95

set in4_max 12 * 1.05

#### Chipset ####

set in5_min in5 * 0.95

set in5_max in5 * 1.05

#### DRAM ####

set in6_min in6 * 0.95

set in6_max in6 * 1.05

#### 5 V Standby ####

set in7_min 5 * 0.95

set in7_max 5 * 1.05

#### Temps ####

#### CPU   ####

set   temp1_over  45

set   temp1_low   15

#### PWM ####

set   temp2_over  60

set   temp2_low   15

#### Chipset ####

set   temp3_over  60

set   temp3_low   15

#### Fan settings	   ####

#### Min accptable RPMs ####

set fan1_min 600

set fan2_min 0

set fan3_min 0

#### Ignore area - for all those things you don't use ###

ignore fan2

#### k8temp ####

chip "k8temp-*"

label temp1 "Core0Temp"

label temp3 "Core1Temp"

might not be exactly what the rest of you need, but enough to point in the right direction ... and save all the frustration i had


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  • 2 weeks later...
It might be a mixing issue. I haven't tried Ubuntu recently and have also taken the karajan module out of my motherboard, but I do remember that the kernel module needed is snd-intel8x0. And probably an asoundrc file would need to be done up as well. Check this link http://www.alsa-project.org the info there should point you in the right direction


True...and most OC'ers aren't using Linux


It is nice to see this thread stickied.


And for you guys and gals using ubuntu and gnome desktop, install the gnome-alsamixer http://packages.debian.org/stable/gnome/gnome-alsamixer and also make sure you have alsa utils loaded too (just 'search' your package installer for 'alsa', it's really the only way to go, you can drag the icon to the top of the desktop panel so it's always there for you to play with.

I'm pretty sure you are not going to get sound coming from all front/rear/cntr-sub (5.1) unless you have a 5.1 audio source playing, which is true for XP also.

So, from any DVD player http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/5644 , have a movie going, then you would mess with the settings.

I also suggest loading up Doom3, as its audio sounds are downright scary and natively use all speakers after setup.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I just found this thread, so here is what I have:

I have 2 different versions of Ubuntu running, one as a virtual machine on my Desktop (Ubuntu 6.10 64-bit version) and one on my old laptop (Ubuntu 5.10). The laptop version runs extremely well with no big deal to search for drivers etc, it just found everything and can use everything I tell it to do, perfect!

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  • 3 weeks later...
I'm pretty sure you are not going to get sound coming from all front/rear/cntr-sub (5.1) unless you have a 5.1 audio source playing, which is true for XP also.


I've got a 4 speaker setup. In Ubuntu ticking the "Duplicate Front" box in Gnome ALSA Mixer plays a stereo source through all speakers.

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