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Angry's Blog of Doom (or idiocy....take your pick)


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one for angry:


i finaly got a reply from DFI about the U400S-AL and the CPC issue with the bios, here is the only important part of their reply


"Due to the product marketing strategy, the BIOS option update of U400S platform has been ceased for some while."


so this means there is no hope of a bios fix or do i need to offer up some more results and keep on them? mabye i should leave them alone? i realy want something to be done as i know what other people go through with this board when 2x512Mb ram is used, and a Lanparty B bios just isnt for people who dont have any pci cards to replace onboard stuff...


just kinda stuck here, i have a 939 rig waiting to be built (based around a SLI-DR gift) and im torn between it and the U400S-AL :(.


thanks for your advice,



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taking a picture of a beautiful flower is A LOT different than taking a picture of a bios screen or heavy text on a pc monitor (try it yourself and you'll see what I am talking about)


I’ve taken screen shots before and realize how difficult it is. I usually use Print Screen, but you can’t do that with the BIOS. I’m sure screen resolution plays a part also. You’re doing fine with your BIOS screen shots, and doing something right, cause screen shots with a camera isn’t easy.


The attached pic was taken about 5 minutes ago with what was on my screen, shot RAW = 10MB file downsized to 640px on the long side, and 94k in size. Just a quick and dirty hand held shot. I’m thinking if I changed my monitor resolution, I might do better, but what the heck.


Sorry about throwing the pro photographer thing in, but even pros have many different methods to accomplish the same thing, and many don’t agree with each other either. I should have never said a thing about your method. It works for you, and that’s what’s important, and the pics I’ve seen you post are better than most of the other pics I’ve seen posted in this forum. Nuff said.

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I’m thinking if I changed my monitor resolution, I might do better, but what the heck.


nope...when you are in Windows (or Linux or any OS) the ABSOLUTE BEST way is always to Print-Screen, and then adjust in MS Paint or Photoshop etc


there's just no reason to use a camera to take a picture of a monitor screen because prnt-scrn gets all the info, while a camera has to fight angles, lighting, reflections, as well as refresh rates (LCD's however do not have the 'lines' problem that CRT monitors do)



however, like you say, a BIOS screen is completely different animal, and the blue background + white text = does odd things...and is a lot different than other kinds of pictures (I guess it might be like trying to take a picture through a window on a sunny day?)


Sorry about throwing the pro photographer thing in, but even pros have many different methods to accomplish the same thing, and many don’t agree with each other either. I should have never said a thing about your method. It works for you, and that’s what’s important, and the pics I’ve seen you post are better than most of the other pics I’ve seen posted in this forum. Nuff said.


naw, don't sweat it...if you are a pro, or good enough to be a pro, then there's no reason to not refer to yourself as a pro, as long as you aren't beating someone's head in with the "IM A PRO DAMMIT" mantra lol...and you aren't ;)


I can say I'm definitely a pro when it comes to computers and overclocking, and I'm an uber pro at picking my nose and making momma angry lol.

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one for angry:


i finaly got a reply from DFI about the U400S-AL and the CPC issue with the bios, here is the only important part of their reply


"Due to the product marketing strategy, the BIOS option update of U400S platform has been ceased for some while."


so this means there is no hope of a bios fix or do i need to offer up some more results and keep on them? mabye i should leave them alone? i realy want something to be done as i know what other people go through with this board when 2x512Mb ram is used, and a Lanparty B bios just isnt for people who dont have any pci cards to replace onboard stuff...


just kinda stuck here, i have a 939 rig waiting to be built (based around a SLI-DR gift) and im torn between it and the U400S-AL :(.


thanks for your advice,




well, if you are knowing there are plenty of other users who are upset about the problem, and want (DEMAND!) a fix, then here's what you do...


you gather them all together in a single thread, and be very short but right to the point about the problem, and then say you want a fix for it.


Then you email me with the link (honestly I hardly look in the NF2 section these days as I'm so busy with damn NF4 stuff lol) and I'll give it a look, maybe offer some edits or suggestions, then we'll get to DFI HQ and I'll tell ya how to keep badgering them until it gets done.

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The Nikon D2 is a nice camera.


Shooting at 1/90th of a second is just asking for image shake. But since you were at an ISO of 200 you were limited to a rather large aperture which will introduce spherical aberration in even the best lens.


I have a feeling if you shoot the screen from further away and darken the room you'll get better results. Run the ISO up a bit, get the aperture down and the shutter speed up.

I’ve taken screen shots before and realize how difficult it is. I usually use Print Screen, but you can’t do that with the BIOS. I’m sure screen resolution plays a part also. You’re doing fine with your BIOS screen shots, and doing something right, cause screen shots with a camera isn’t easy.


The attached pic was taken about 5 minutes ago with what was on my screen, shot RAW = 10MB file downsized to 640px on the long side, and 94k in size. Just a quick and dirty hand held shot. I’m thinking if I changed my monitor resolution, I might do better, but what the heck.


Sorry about throwing the pro photographer thing in, but even pros have many different methods to accomplish the same thing, and many don’t agree with each other either. I should have never said a thing about your method. It works for you, and that’s what’s important, and the pics I’ve seen you post are better than most of the other pics I’ve seen posted in this forum. Nuff said.

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The Nikon D2 is a nice camera.


Shooting at 1/90th of a second is just asking for image shake.


I have a feeling if you shoot the screen from further away and darken the room you'll get better results. Run the ISO up a bit, get the aperture down and the shutter speed up.


Cool. Ya downloaded the photo, and looked at the exif. :) The D2H is my workhorse body, and I have two of them. This photo was a quick and dirty hand held photo. All I wanted to do was take a RAW image, and resize it down to acceptable size to post here, and still be able to read the text on the screen. I really didn’t care about settings or DOF, but I did take notice of shutter speed when I shot the photo. A good rule of thumb is that shutter speed should = focal length or better, so a 60mm lens shot at 1/90sec should come out fine. I did take the time to put a macro lens on, but still got some spherical aberration, largely noticed towards the bottom of the photo, even tho the monitor is a flat screen CRT. I was about as far away as I could get from my monitor in this room. It’s a very small room with two computers, and when both are running at the same time, it gets warm in here, specially with two bodies in here at the same time. What do you shoot with?

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AG, Sorry to bring this up but can you answer this straight forward, honest post without getting ticked?

Computers are a nice relaxing hobby, learning about new hardware and enjoying reading posts from other members. I belong to several forums, flying, medicine, sports cars and computers. I enjoy all the forums.

When I go to the intro page of DFI street and see Huge Red letters warning about the rules, it somehow changes my outlook and decreases my enjoyment of this hobby and worse , it makes me back off using the website for it's intended purpose of supporting the use of DFI products. Hell, I'm scared to ask anything so I quietly read the entries and hope to learn. I'm very impressed with DFI products and have 2 new computers that I built using the resources from this website. May I suggest that you lighten up a bit and let's enjoy our mutual hobby.

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The reason for the huge red letters is to get a members attention. If everyone would read and understand the forum rules there would be no reason for the huge red letters.


We invite participation. Without participation the forum would die.


All we require is that you follow the forum rules. If it takes huge red letters then so be it!


With the exception of Angry_Games, RGone and the vendor representatives, everyone here is a volunteer.


Every rule is there because it has been an issue at one time or another.


With 39,906 threads, 391,365 posts and 18,656 members, simple site "housekeeping" can consume hours every day. The alternative is for the mods to cruise the forums and delete threads and posts with incomplete information. We've tried that and it doesn't work.


We take no joy from deleting threads and posts since it isn't helping the members. We don't like spending hours sending PM's and emails to members asking that they complete their sigs and put their location in their profile. Especially since this should have been done when they joined the forum.


Every minute spent doing "housekeeping" is time we can't get back. We would much rather spend or time helping forum members since that's the reason we're here.


We want everyone to enjoy their time on the Street. Having rules and making sure everyone follows them is one way to keep things running smoothly.



AG, Sorry to bring this up but can you answer this straight forward, honest post without getting ticked?

Computers are a nice relaxing hobby, learning about new hardware and enjoying reading posts from other members. I belong to several forums, flying, medicine, sports cars and computers. I enjoy all the forums.

When I go to the intro page of DFI street and see Huge Red letters warning about the rules, it somehow changes my outlook and decreases my enjoyment of this hobby and worse , it makes me back off using the website for it's intended purpose of supporting the use of DFI products. Hell, I'm scared to ask anything so I quietly read the entries and hope to learn. I'm very impressed with DFI products and have 2 new computers that I built using the resources from this website. May I suggest that you lighten up a bit and let's enjoy our mutual hobby.

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The reason for the huge red letters is to get a members attention. If everyone would read and understand the forum rules there would be no reason for the huge red letters.


We invite participation. Without participation the forum would die.


All we require is that you follow the forum rules. If it takes huge red letters then so be it!


With the exception of Angry_Games, RGone and the vendor representatives, everyone here is a volunteer.


Every rule is there because it has been an issue at one time or another.


With 39,906 threads, 391,365 posts and 18,656 members, simple site "housekeeping" can consume hours every day. The alternative is for the mods to cruise the forums and delete threads and posts with incomplete information. We've tried that and it doesn't work.


We take no joy from deleting threads and posts since it isn't helping the members. We don't like spending hours sending PM's and emails to members asking that they complete their sigs and put their location in their profile. Especially since this should have been done when they joined the forum.


Every minute spent doing "housekeeping" is time we can't get back. We would much rather spend or time helping forum members since that's the reason we're here.


We want everyone to enjoy their time on the Street. Having rules and making sure everyone follows them is one way to keep things running smoothly.



ding ding ding!


we have a winner!

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