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Angry's Blog of Doom (or idiocy....take your pick)


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Whats your opinnion on recreational drug use? :nod:


I believe the same things most Euros believe...if you tell people that they absolutely cannot have it or do it, then they just want to do it more.


Some drugs...heroin, crack, meth...are totally destructive honestly...and if our government REALLY wanted to eradicate these drugs, they could...seriously...


but other drugs like pot, valium, whatever...stuff like that you should never be at work on or try to drive on...like alcohol...more people abuse alcohol than all other drugs combined, and more people die from drunk drivers than all other drug related accidents combined...


you know...


it's like anything....





unfortunately Americans are stupid and have no friggin clue what MODERATION means...they can't stop their fat asses from eating McD's all the time, they can't stop smoking weed so much they forget their own name and then forget to show up for work...they can't stop drinking or they can't realize they are too wasted and get behind the wheel...


moderation is a word that no one in american seems to understand...







the law is the law...and if the law says DRUGS ARE ILLEGAL then why would you be stupid enough to break the law and use them?


I mean...no drug is going to make you rich, or famous, or powerful, or smarter, or sexier...drugs can only lead to people doing dumb things, and then they themselves become dumb from drug use and then it's dumb people doing even dumber things.


Save your brain cells...find something constructive to do like play hockey, or Counter-Strike, or something...

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lol, I still have all my kid stuff, most of it at least. A good chunk of my legos are in boxes in the drawers under my bed. Heh, me and my roommate were even talking about bringing them to the dorm next year!





I want to buy a couple giant friggin bags of them just so I can make a watercooling case for my gear hahahaha

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Guest caffeinejunkie


I believe the same things most Euros believe...if you tell people that they absolutely cannot have it or do it, then they just want to do it more.


Some drugs...heroin, crack, meth...are totally destructive honestly...and if our government REALLY wanted to eradicate these drugs, they could...seriously...


but other drugs like pot, valium, whatever...stuff like that you should never be at work on or try to drive on...like alcohol...more people abuse alcohol than all other drugs combined, and more people die from drunk drivers than all other drug related accidents combined...


you know...


it's like anything....





unfortunately Americans are stupid and have no friggin clue what MODERATION means...they can't stop their fat asses from eating McD's all the time, they can't stop smoking weed so much they forget their own name and then forget to show up for work...they can't stop drinking or they can't realize they are too wasted and get behind the wheel...


moderation is a word that no one in american seems to understand...







the law is the law...and if the law says DRUGS ARE ILLEGAL then why would you be stupid enough to break the law and use them?


I mean...no drug is going to make you rich, or famous, or powerful, or smarter, or sexier...drugs can only lead to people doing dumb things, and then they themselves become dumb from drug use and then it's dumb people doing even dumber things.


Save your brain cells...find something constructive to do like play hockey, or Counter-Strike, or something...


very well put


moderation with everything is key and your right alot of people totally miss that part ( I have a dumbass friend who broke his leg and was given about 60 vicoadine and hes was taking like 8 every few hours because he thinks hes hardcore I hate dumbasses like that :mad: )

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I want to buy a couple giant friggin bags of them just so I can make a watercooling case for my gear hahahaha



lol, this thought occured to me the other day, makin' some type of stuff in the case with legos, we'll see in a month and half-ish I guess...

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well... you should tell your friend that (me being a nurse and all) he will not only be very high on the hydrocodone, but probably OD on tylenol as well. There are 500mg of Tylenol in every vicodin pill and that means he is taking 4000mg every few hours. the MAXIMUM DAILY DOSE of Tylenol is only 3000mg per day (ie- 1000mg every 8 hours). If he is lucky enough to not OD on the Tylenol then at the very least he will severely damage his liver as that is the organ that gets rid of the Tylenol in your system.


Besides that... what is he gonna do when he's all out of them and his leg still hurts like hell? Hardcore is right... He's gonna have to be REALLY hardcore after he's out of pills, heh. ;)


very well put


moderation with everything is key and your right alot of people totally miss that part ( I have a dumbass friend who broke his leg and was given about 60 vicoadine and hes was taking like 8 every few hours because he thinks hes hardcore I hate dumbasses like that :mad: )

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Guest caffeinejunkie
well... you should tell your friend that (me being a nurse and all) he will not only be very high on the hydrocodone, but probably OD on tylenol as well. There are 500mg of Tylenol in every vicodin pill and that means he is taking 4000mg every few hours. the MAXIMUM DAILY DOSE of Tylenol is only 3000mg per day (ie- 1000mg every 8 hours). If he is lucky enough to not OD on the Tylenol then at the very least he will severely damage his liver as that is the organ that gets rid of the Tylenol in your system.


Besides that... what is he gonna do when he's all out of them and his leg still hurts like hell? Hardcore is right... He's gonna have to be REALLY hardcore after he's out of pills, heh. ;)


You know the funny thing is about a year ago he did OD on tylenol


infact he would have died except he drank enough to vomit profusely and get the tylenol out of the system


This is the kinda kid who goes up to random people in the halls and would brag about his vicodine use or how much pot he smokes cause he honestly thinks it makes him cool like he actually thinks hes godlike or something and tha people want to hear this (they dont because no one really cares either way). Everyone he tells this crap too thinks hes a dumbass and he actually makes people who use stuff like this in moderation look worse if it's possible. Even the kids that do it just think hes a dumbass.


And hes like pumped to try heroin and e. Most of us think he wont make it to senior year.

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You know the funny thing is about a year ago he did OD on tylenol


infact he would have died except he drank enough to vomit profusely and get the tylenol out of the system


This is the kinda kid who goes up to random people in the halls and would brag about his vicodine use or how much pot he smokes cause he honestly thinks it makes him cool like he actually thinks hes godlike or something and tha people want to hear this (they dont because no one really cares either way). Everyone he tells this crap too thinks hes a dumbass and he actually makes people who use stuff like this in moderation look worse if it's possible. Even the kids that do it just think hes a dumbass.


And hes like pumped to try heroin and e. Most of us think he wont make it to senior year.



does his parents know? if they do and overreact... well... nomore drugs.. and when they say no more.. the whole country will have no more... i think...

but if its all 'gone' dont they get addicted to it? while the price in that area go up..

then they will rob other people to get the dope...

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Guest caffeinejunkie
does his parents know? if they do and overreact... well... nomore drugs.. and when they say no more.. the whole country will have no more... i think...

but if its all 'gone' dont they get addicted to it? while the price in that area go up..

then they will rob other people to get the dope...


Well I imagine it's one of those things where they know hes doing it but they just dont have the proof. They know of his past tylenol OD because they had to pick him up from the hospital but I doubt they know about his activities today. Lol actually I told him the other day that my mom caught me smoking (yes I smoke marijuana from time to time judge me as you wish but I do keep it in moderation school and life come first before anything retarded like that) and that I just blamed it on him and my mom was gonna call his house. Needless to say he freaked out and started downing water 24/7 (he figured he was gonna get tested). It lasted for a good week before I told him I was lying.


I imagine if he doesnt get caught soon he'll end up dead over the summer

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