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NF4 Expert will not cold boot- psu issue?

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Update on my cold boot status:

For some reason certain Expert boards just will not work properly with the OCZ power supplies.


Well, ExRoadie, I have my facts straight and I never made such a blanket statement. If you were paying closer attention to my wording (see above) you might not have jumped on me so quickly.


Ignorant, lol, did you forget who started this thread?

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Trust me you will NOT 'see' the caps they changed. You might where I changed them myself with my 58 YO hands but not on a board from DFI. And my OCZ600watt PowerStream ADJ will still NOT crank one of my Experts either. That I know for sure.


Plenty of other supplies run the sumbeech like a bandit but not that particular 600Watt PowerStream.




Update on my cold boot status:


I actually sent my board back to RMA for a second round of analysis regarding the cold boot issue. The staff wanted to add a couple of capacitors to the board as a possible fix. When the board came back I examined it very closely and could not detect any additional capacitors anywhere on the board, I suppose it is possible that some were replaced with caps of different rating or manufacture. Anyhow, same result with my OCZ 600w powerstream- no go on cold boot!


Finally I broke down and bought an Antec Neo 550 HE psu and the board now works perfectly. For some reason certain Expert boards just will not work properly with the OCZ power supplies.


Now I have a spare $150 psu that will not work properly with my board. Should have followed my instincts on this build and gone with Antec from the beginning instead of reading too much into the psu recommendations for the Expert.


Live and learn...

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Trust me you will NOT 'see' the caps they changed. You might where I changed them myself with my 58 YO hands but not on a board from DFI. And my OCZ600watt PowerStream ADJ will still NOT crank one of my Experts either. That I know for sure.


Plenty of other supplies run the sumbeech like a bandit but not that particular 600Watt PowerStream.





Same here, I carefully picked out the OCZ 600 W SLI from the recommended list and it won't run either the Venus Or Expert without the cold boot thing happening. That's $200 out the window for an unusable power supply not to mention trouble shooting, days without a computer, shipping motherboards back across the country. I'm using a $69 Antec smartpower 2.0 500W modular and the venus runs perfectlly.

IMHO this is a hardware incompatibality issue that DFI/OCZ need to correct while we are losing money and time..Both my expert and the OCZ power supply have been RMA'd and I could care less if they ever return here. This shouldn't happen with expensive computer equipiment.

scottR summed it up perfectly "live and learn".


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Same here, I carefully picked out the OCZ 600 W SLI from the recommended list and it won't run either the Venus Or Expert without the cold boot thing happening. That's $200 out the window for an unusable power supply not to mention trouble shooting, days without a computer, shipping motherboards back across the country. I'm using a $69 Antec smartpower 2.0 500W modular and the venus runs perfectlly.

IMHO this is a hardware incompatibality issue that DFI/OCZ need to correct while we are losing money and time..Both my expert and the OCZ power supply have been RMA'd and I could care less if they ever return here. This shouldn't happen with expensive computer equipiment.

scottR summed it up perfectly "live and learn".


Maybe you could ask them to swap the 600watt OCZ for the 520watt SLI version, that's what i'm using and have never experianced the cold boot issue

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Maybe you could ask them to swap the 600watt OCZ for the 520watt SLI version, that's what i'm using and have never experianced the cold boot issue

Don't think that exact thought didn't cross my mind but after carefully reading posts, the powerstream 520 causes cold boot also. Maybe I can ask OCZ to send me some good ram and they can keep the frickin power supply. I built an expert for my wife with a 530W OCZ SLI and it runs perfecty. It's just fricking computers with DFI being more "touchy " than most. For the $200 I spent on the power supply I could have bought a really nice Lian Li Case or paid for most of another processor. I can tell you that I'm not happy about wasting that $200 and will do anything posible to get a refund or a credit.

It seems that I did everything right and still got screwed. Oh well!!


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To my knowledge at least three diferent OCZ power supplies were tried on my board- all of which exhibited the same cold boot problem (RMA was able to reproduce the problem in the lab). I seriously doubt that these power supplies are defective in some way- the odds are just against it. To quote ExRoadie "Sometimes good hardware goes bad or two pieces just won't work together."

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Well, I'll mention my "fix" to this problem - thanks to RGone!


As you saw in his post he has one Expert that has "cold boot" issues that his OCZ did NOT fix/work with.

On his advice (back when I had an Expert) I bought the PSU in my sig. and NEVER had a PSU issue.

The thing is amazingly quiet, too. I'm still running on the kitchen table and even with my ear right next to it, I hear nothing.

It's also modular cabling.


The very best part is it costs about $70! :nod:


I recomend it to all.

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For Clarity...


The problem doesn't lie with either DFI or OCZ. It's a function of the newer "high-power" PSUs.


I've built about a dozen Expert rigs using the OCZ PowerStream 600. Not one single cold boot problem.


On the other hand, I have a problem trying to get one PowerStream 600(that works with an Expert) to work with a particular ASUS motherboard. An Antec that works fine with the ASUS won't work with any Expert.


I have a power supply tester that won't work with one of my Fortron Epsilon 600W units(the PSU works with every motherboard) but works just fine with an Epsilon 700.


If everyone would take the time to think back to the nF2 and nF3 days with 300W 20pin ATX power supplies. We didn't have these problems.


It's not one motherboard it's all of them. It's not one PSU it's all of them.


If it doesn't work for you, replace it.


There has been way too much speculation and false blame going around in this and other forums for way too long.

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I have a suggestion: why not include the above information (e.g. the fickle nature of high power psus) in the first part of the sticky post for power supplies within recommendations and hot deals?


Perhaps others who are beginning their builds might benefit from this information and not waste everyone's time RMA-ing boards and psus if they encounter this problem?

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Has anyone ever had a problem cold booting an Expert motherboard with a PCP&C 510W (or better) PSU??? The only boot problems I have ever had with the Expert and my 510 ASL were of my own making.


Yeah, they're expensive but I have never had a problem cold booting or running any motherboard with this brand.


OTOH, if I keep using a PCP&C PSU with different motherboards, I'm sure to find one that won't boot.


And that's all I have to say about that ... other than I am an acknowledged, opinionated, backside of a south-bound mule ... :)


Hope this helps ...

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I've built about a dozen Expert rigs using the OCZ PowerStream 600. Not one single cold boot problem.


and I myself have been able to boot 10+ different Expert NF4 boards with my OCZ 600w, OCZ 520w, and OCZ 420w


I've never experienced a single cold boot on any Expert board, and I've tried all the OCZ psu's I have plus these:


Enermax 600w

Seasonic S-12 600w

Skyhawk 520w

Skyhawk 570w

Skyhawk 620w

Fortron 500w Blue Storm





not saying that there isn't a problem for a few of the users out there....DFI, as Rgone has mentioned, has a bit of a fix and you won't ever be able to tell where the work was done on the board.


If you have an Expert that has a cold boot symptom, send the board to DFI and request that specific cold-boot psu fix.


If you get the board back and it still has the problem, I would RMA the psu also to eliminate that.


If you still have problems, I would seriously consider another motherboard (DFI non-Expert or MSI or Asus or Epox or Gigabyte etc)

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Add me to the list of people with the cold boot problem!

I've only had my rig going one day and I noticed the cold boot problem right after loading windows. Exact same symprtoms as everyone else. 4 lights, 3 lights, 4 lights, then off.

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