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Gah no computer melting oh Sweet God Why.


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Had to return my bloody Antec Sonata case today (cause its a POS/too small). Now I have to wait for the new one to come in (Antec Performace 1040BII). So I'm stuck using a bloody stinking Pentium celeron 400 for a day or two. Shoot me now!


*sigh* Its sad when you get THIS attached to your computer

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ya i cant stand to use a slow computer especially when i go to peoples houses and they have all this crap on their pc it makes me sick




.......o by the way im a home pc repair tech

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i know what you mean, i have people complain that there computer is slow.

i go over there and they have 20 things start up when they boot. turn most of them to manual and run adaware, and they think i am a god. :blink:

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well if my computers down i just bring out my good old Pentium II 333mhz laptop. Its got a dvd rom which amazed me when i bought it. In past i had to use my old Pentium system with my hard drive attached to it laying on the floor. It was pretty funny to see.

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my boss was amazed when i went and cleaned up his comphe wondered why boot up was so slow he had about 10 things starting and over half his desktop was shortcuts some he had up there 3 times others 2 times and this is a 19"crt now it boots much faster but i have noticed the shortcut count is going up again i looked the other day and he has like 2 ie 2 windows media player 2 outlook and a handful of other doubles

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Had to return my bloody Antec Sonata case today (cause its a POS/too small). Now I have to wait for the new one to come in (Antec Performace 1040BII). So I'm stuck using a bloody stinking Pentium celeron 400 for a day or two. Shoot me now!


*sigh* Its sad when you get THIS attached to your computer

Just because you have no case doesn't mean you cant run a computer. One of my friends used to bring his pc to our lan's sans case.. He used his pci slots as a coaster.. And that same mobo is running in my case right now, as my asus p4c800 is down for the count.

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Yeah, the case came in early = me super happy. I just have to reassemble it.


And I would run it out of a tupperware box...but no extra power supply.


Living on a student budget here people! What is this thing you call 'extras'.


Its like gourmet food. I'm like a monkey learning how to use tools for the first time.

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