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Unofficial Opteron 939 Thread

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Current run : 310 x 10 @ 1.41v




CPU Temps:




Vcore Measurement Readings.


1.150 * 126%

BIOS : 1.43

DMM : 1.455

CPUz : 1.408

MBM5 : 1.41

Idle : 1.450

Load : 1.461


I have worked out the reason for the ripple in the previous Vcore run .. this seems to be due to the UPS getting to limit, as I noticed it was sometimes moving to the Red zone without alarms .. I had placed my laptop and external drive on a free outlet...


Removing the extra devices has dropped the load on the UPS ... hence a flat vcore line... which is prob. another aspect of helping towards getting a stable system, making sure that the AC supply is clean and stable too. Still testing and tweaking but things are starting to look good ... even with such a low Vcore :)




A quick Prime95 run .. now to move on up :)



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Other than P95


How can we use the standard tools (superPi, OCCT, Everest, etc.) to get both cores to 100% utilization?


P95 is the only one I understand due to the post in this thread (THANKS!!!!)


I've been making progress with the first of my two 165s. not close to posting anything yet, but so far looks like I can get to pretty high HTT. I assume the RAM will pretty much run how it did in the Venice build.


BTW I get intermitent "Disk failed to load" errors occasionally when I reboot. It seems completely random. I thought it was related to the CD looking for bootable disk (I have CD/DVD before HDD in boot order) but after disabling it continues.


the odd thing is that usually when it looks like its hanging after the IDE and Interupt check is when I get the error. But if I hit a key before the error it usually boots fine. Perhaps I should just do another clean install of windows... Its not annoying me enough yet to do anything.... Anyone experience this???


It does it at defaults after clearing CMOS just as often as it does as I OC.

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Quick question, i just installed Everst ulimate edition and under System - DMI - Processors i have 2 listed. Bothare listed as AMD Opteron 146 if i highlight them individually other details are listed like current clock (1920 this was wrong) maximum clock (3000Mhz) and one of the others is status (enabled. Now the second one has all of the same settings except status is disabled by user. Could these be dual core cpu's with one core disabled? On one of the other sections 2 lots of 1024 cach is listed aswell.


Nothing I have used has read an opteron right. CPU-Z says s940, and if you scroll up (or maybe its previous page) you will see A64 max case temp completely fail to understand a 175. Don't trust anything in windows for reading hardware info, not voltage, not even temps. Not anything.

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Well, I have my 148 CABNE 0528 Stable at 3.0 GHZ.

I did some beyond but not very stable just usable up to about 3.1 then can't get into OS.

I had to use 9/10 divider with Geil Ultra-X PC3200 but when I tried my OCZ PC4800 I

could get system stable. It liked the UTT BH(5) but not the tccd. Go figure.


I'm going to let it relax a few days and the see if it does like my X2 and start flying again

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Guest laydback



Well, I have my 148 CABNE 0528 Stable at 3.0 GHZ.

I did some beyond but not very stable just usable up to about 3.1 then can't get into OS.

I had to use 9/10 divider with Geil Ultra-X PC3200 but when I tried my OCZ PC4800 I

could get system stable. It liked the UTT BH(5) but not the tccd. Go figure.


I'm going to let it relax a few days and the see if it does like my X2 and start flying again



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Multimeter borrowed from Electrical Engineering friend, so it's known to be solid. Craftsman Professional #82325.


Here are some more results similar to initial reports. Additionally, as per Soundx98's request, you can see that the VID multipliers are not terribly accurate. Each row below should be very similar since they are all very near 1.5V. This does not pan out, however.




I think the moral of the story is simply to exercise caution. My chip told me it was running high before I measured it; I would have not gone higher even if I didn't have this data. But please know that your load voltages may be significantly higher than what CPUZ tells you, perhaps even more than previously reported. I would love to know if anyone can confirm/reject these readings on their own rigs. A thought I recently had is that Opterons, known to clock well at low voltage, may not be doing so in reality! We could just be getting a phantom Vcore boost while testing stability! I believe the IRS calls this unreported income - and the penalty is high if you get caught.


Again, let me know if anyone can reproduce any of this data.





dual core 175


Bios 1.35 X 110%

CPUZ 1.424

idle DMM 1.493

dual p95 1.524

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Removing the IHS is totally worth it. After cracking two cores (CABNE and CABYE mind you) due to impatience, I decided to be very patient with this CABNE core. Attach the STORM was a little breathless but after being careful about it, it worked. It is now running 12-14 degrees Celsius cooler. Load at 1.54V is 43C with ambient of 25C. It is being primed now at 3050Mhz. Initial SuperPi at this voltage gives me 3080 32M stable. A little vcore increase should get this opty prime stable past 3100Mhz.

Phew....with removing the IHS, be very very careful. Removing it is not a hassle, attaching the STORM on it is. That was what cracked my cores earlier.

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