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Unofficial Opteron 939 Thread

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Thank you for the information Martin and Viper John. I am obviously not a student of electrical engineering or other related field. It appears I should have referred to these values as TDP's. But regardless of this error, a limited sample appears to suggest that there may be a correlation between this value and Vcore spike under load. Any formal explanation of why this may be so? Obviously, we await more data...

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Thank you for the information Martin and Viper John. I am obviously not a student of electrical engineering or other related field. It appears I should have referred to these values as TDP's. But regardless of this error, a limited sample appears to suggest that there may be a correlation between this value and Vcore spike under load. Any formal explanation of why this may be so? Obviously, we await more data...


This is the amount of heat that the CPU can dissipate under standard environmental conditions. It doesn't say how much the CPU actually consumes. And of course the act of giving out heat changes the environmental conditions.


Very obviously the higher-clocked dual-core Opterons take more power than the lower cocked one. But since they are in the same casing with the same amount of contact to the integrated heatspreader they are rated at the same TDP.


With AMD CPUs I am practically never able to come close to the TDP of the CPU - for the whole minimal system - and that includes overclocking.

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...how will my old school BH-5 play with this setup?
People have had great success with BH-5 and Opterons.
so what would you guys say about 'safe' voltages for an Opteron dual core? i'm thinking of setting the bios no higher than 1.5v for my upcoming Opteron 170, since i don't know if load will spike it to 1.55.


i wonder if i can hit 2.8+ghz on that

That depends on the week. If it is a 0530, you should be OK, but if it is later, you might have trouble.

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Just heard another report from OPPAINTER. He has told me that his 154 does NOT have a Vcore spike under load while using a DFI Expert board (though it did occur with both the UD and the Crossfire). This, coupled with the apparent ability to run 4x512 TCCD at DDR600 (2T) has pushed me over the line. Had my Ultra-D for less than a month, but looks like it's time to move on! Guess that water cooling will have to wait a while longer...

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This is the amount of heat that the CPU can dissipate under standard environmental conditions. It doesn't say how much the CPU actually consumes. And of course the act of giving out heat changes the environmental conditions.


Very obviously the higher-clocked dual-core Opterons take more power than the lower cocked one. But since they are in the same casing with the same amount of contact to the integrated heatspreader they are rated at the same TDP.


With AMD CPUs I am practically never able to come close to the TDP of the CPU - for the whole minimal system - and that includes overclocking.


Actually that is incorrect. The thermal design power in AMD's spec is input power to the CPU as well give or take a watt or two. As an example a 148-150 Opti 939 has a max input current (IDD_Max) of 60 amps @ 1.40 Vcore when fully loaded at 2.40ghz to be in spec and be rated as such. 1.40 VID_VDD x 60 IDD_Max is 84watts WDD_Max input with Thermal Design Power 85.3w. The core current draw in amps at rated speed and Vcore is one of the factors that goes into a given CPU being rated and sold as a 148 or 150.


The information can be found on pages 32 and 34 of AMD Opteron Processor Power and Thermal Data Sheet - PID: 30417 Rev 3.09 - November 2005.



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Actually that is incorrect. The thermal design power in AMD's spec is input power to the CPU as well give or take a watt or two. As an example a 148-150 Opti 939 has a max input current (IDD_Max) of 60 amps @ 1.40 Vcore when fully loaded at 2.40ghz to be in spec and be rated as such. 1.40 VID_VDD x 60 IDD_Max is 84watts WDD_Max input with Thermal Design Power 83.5. The core current draw in amps at rated speed and Vcore is one of the factors that goes into a given CPU being rated and sold as a 148 or 150.


OK, it is not only what it can dissipate, but also what it could theoretically take in. But this is not what it actually absorbs. Think of it as the specifications for a cable. Just because it can transport 15 amps doesn't mean you radio behind it draws 15 amps.


And it is a maximum theoretical value common to all chips of the same kind even if they have different clockspeeds (as you see). It is the design of the CPU as such, not specific to the chip inside after binning, selecting voltage and locking.


That doesn't change the fact that a 165 takes less power at full CPU load than a 180 at full CPU load.

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Just had to share. Been in about 10 minutes

Opteron 146 CABYE 0540FPBW

www.tankguys.com $160.00


Could work in windoze at 3.1 but failed 1M superpi


Pulled the 3500+ weenie from the Antec, set to 300 5/6 divider with BH-5










grinnin from ear to ear, used Ceramique cause I can't find the Shin-Etsu :D


probably should have at least cleared CMOS or adjusted something :nod:

time to beat er up a lil. w000000000000000000t!


Now back to your scheduled programming

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Quick question, i just installed Everst ulimate edition and under System - DMI - Processors i have 2 listed. Bothare listed as AMD Opteron 146 if i highlight them individually other details are listed like current clock (1920 this was wrong) maximum clock (3000Mhz) and one of the others is status (enabled. Now the second one has all of the same settings except status is disabled by user. Could these be dual core cpu's with one core disabled? On one of the other sections 2 lots of 1024 cach is listed aswell.

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