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Unofficial Opteron 939 Thread

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aslo what are your temps under load??


Temps have been lower than I expected; ran Prime95 all night last night at CPU was steady at 42C. The CPU has never really gotten above the low 40's, even with my Vcore at 1.55v. I know the XP-120 helps quite a bit, but still thought they would be higher.


Thx for the info...I'll update the BIOS and keep tweaking.

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104 pages is a lot to read so let me apologise now.


Currently have a 4800+ dual core but is stuck on 2.64 max O/C and since a pwer brown out just before christmas have had a number of problems with it.


I am looking to change it and have been looking at the FX-60 but though I would get your ideas with reagrds to a dual opty.


I see that there are a few 170, 175 and the 180 that so far is the limit of my knowledge on them, can any one advise as to what I really should be looking for with regards to a good chip (as far as possible of course given there are never any guarantee's).


I am using the Mushkin Redline Extreme RAM 2* 1G which use the infineon Ce-6 chip will this be OK with an Opty or will I be looking at a few problems?


Any help or advise always willingly and gratefully received before I go too far, thanks.

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I have upped my core volts since the last time that I posted. I currently have set the vcore in bios to be 1.65. Cpu-z reports 1.627-1.637 idle. Once I start up OCCT the volts drop to 1.593 pretty steadily which is a diff of .043 volts. Thats a huge drop in volts I think. Is this stopping me from having a high stable overclock??


thx fellas

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Guest LithoTech

New Opty owner here. :cool:


CAB2E 0602GPKW - plopped it in this morning.


Already sold the 3000 Venice too ($155). Had one guy low-balling me, saying such-and-such store had them on for $145, and he'd give me $130 for it, he even gave me their number. I told him I doubted they had any in stock, and I'd call. They didn't have any in stock, at least 939 3000's lol. Next call the guy wooted when he heard it was still available, and bought it full price. Good lad. ;)


Chip runs definately hotter than the venice, but still OK considering stock HS. I've got an AC Freezer on the shelf waiting to go in once I get a stable Oclock that pushes 50C.


I'm priming it now at 2400 with the mem on a divider because I've yet to figure this memory out. Loaded she's at 42 or so, still stock volts. I just opened the case up a few minutes ago, and now shes at 38-39C. Not bad. But, I tell ya, that Venice was chilly, it would have been 27 with the case open. :eek:


The really cool thing is, when I first fired it up at all stock settings, I ran some benches and it beat most of the ones I ran on the Venice at the same clock of 2ghz. So, that 1mb cache or better mem controller must make a difference, because with the Venice the ram would have been running faster than with this opty. The only benches it didn't beat were Sandra's memory, of course. We'll see about that later mohahah.


Anyway, I'm really struggling with this ram. Rather than just settle for a cap of 220 on the ram and divide away, I keep working at it. Not because I'm stubborn, but because I don't know any better. I'm really quite new at this, especially at this level.


The ram should be able to get 240, but maybe not. I think I read some people get even 250 out of them, some less. I definately get a solid 220-225.


I did get it through 12+ hours of memtest error free at 240, but can't boot XP with those settings.


I've yet to try a different bios, or the yellow slots, or a single stick at a time. I've still got a few settings to try before I resort to that. But perhaps I should try a single stick first, it could eliminate a lot of extra work if it turns out to be just one bum stick.


Next upgrade will be a 2gig kit, some DDR500 for sure. Not certain what yet, the OCZ XT GXT seems to have a lot of bang for the buck. I think I really want the 2 gigs more than extra high performance, otherwise I'd get some super stuff, 1 gig kit.


Might happen sooner than I plan, I'm going to ask this guy if he needs some ram to go with his new 3000 Venice. :angel:

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Is that memory EL rev 1 or rev 2? Cause EL rev 1 is infineon chips, while rev 2 is (I think) tccd/tcc5 right?


Anyway, rev1 = cas2, rev2 = cas2.5 yet the rev2 overclocks way better (or so I hear).

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Woot!! Woot!!


I just got hold of a 170 CCB1E 0550VPMW. I'll be picking it up tomorrow.


Just when I thought I had totally missed out. I got lucky but paid through the nose for it.



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Guest LithoTech

As the saying goes, that's how the cookie crumbles...


The store I got the 146 at ended the special on 146's yesterday, and today the next special opens with 148's on for $23 more than I paid for the 146. Doh!


I ponder that it's the cheapest 200mhz I could buy anywhere! As schemes run through my head of ways to ditch this 146 and recoupe most (or all) of the money, and get a 148 by Tuesday of next week.


No harm in trying, and I actually don't mind loosing a little, like taxes. I'd chalk it up to educational funding. :nod:


I'll go ahead and post the 146 for sale, but doubt it will sell as fast or hot as the 3000 venice did.


So I'll probably do what I did with the venice, and hold onto this for a few months, play with it and learn some more. Then when I do upgrade, it will hopefully be more desireable and rare, and I'll still be able to get a 148 or better.


My only concern would be that Opty's might be difficult to get in the coming months.

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Must be the most-asked question in A64 forums. :) I'd say it's worth it, I made the decision to go with Opteron 165 over the X2 3800. Prices are very close between the two, you get a 1MBx2 L2 cache, and opterons are proven good overclockers.


If you aren't going to OC at all, they say go with the 3800 cause stock speed is 200mhz more.

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