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480 From A 512 Stick?

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Did you check your bios for an option that makes a memory whole between pin ?? and ?? should be turned off i think. If its on, it will not recognize all the memory on the stick, only some of it. Also, have you tried to see if its just windows calculating it wrong by comparing it to what another program would say? Just some thoughts.

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I have never had that problem in any pc's ever mine is showing up alll the way.

Wha kinda ram and mobo and are you running dual channel. maybe you are running in wrong slots if your mobo has dual channel slots

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I think it prolly is for onboard video, or the memory hole. But you should on see the memory hole option on boards with ISA slots...


Kevin, that's 32 MB...sounds like onboard vid to me.

Edited by DevilMB3017

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What you are experiencing is normal. Under the windows, general tab it does not correctly identify my cpu speed but correctly identifies my ram. It says AthlonXP 2400+ (2.0Ghz) 512mb RAM but I theoritically have it clocked at 1.992 Ghz :) But if I try to autorun a MaximumPC disk it will incorrectly identify my cpu speed but I know this is common within the general tab and other programs

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no, the adapter built in is set at a current size of memory but yeah the video is the problem for your ram beeing calculated wrong. Then again I'm not sure with after market boards with onboard, I know that with retail level systems you can't change the onboard memory size.

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