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Am I The Worlds Worst Daredevi?

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booted up my pentium 4 1.8ghz and i figured what the hell loaded bios changed the fsb from 154-170 with 1.75v vcore

muahahahh 3.1Ghz And i didnt have to pay the bill of 1000$ for it lol


But downside is... with stock heat sink+fan booting temp= 76 celcius :smack:

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Oh i only let it boot up at that speed Hell no would i let it run at that temperature i know anything over 60 celcius isnt visable but i was on my dads computer muaahaha. He has the same cpu as me and mobo. Hmm Why does it take so much energy for amds to overclock. I would probebly need more to keep it stable but i dont feel like testing its stability when the cpu is at risk lol. the exact p4 read 3159mhz lolz better then going out and spending 1052$ for the 3.1 p4


The local computer super store doesnt carry any of these super heat sinks and stuff they only carry amd heat sinks :( they dont have artic glue either i was in search of that before. Hoping to get water cooling by friday i have managed to salvage some money.. crap im gunna miss my bike


Edited by Newb_ocer

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