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Hydracool200 Vs. Exos...

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I'm looking at both the Corsair Hydracool200 and the Koolance Exos system. Which is better? I'm looking for best for OC'ing, most LAN party safe, and quietest/most reliable. Thanks.

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Half the reason I wanted to go to watercooling is because I wanted a quieter system for sneaking on and playing Counter-Strike at three in the morning. At 56 decibals the hydracool200 is louder than a blowdryer!(Not so good for sneaking on the internet at night) Well I am thinking more towards the exos system, is that one at all LAN safe? Also does anyone know if it will cool a AMD Athlon 2500+ Barton very well? I think it should but I am just wondering because that is my next processor... Thanks.

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i have a 2500+ barton processor and it is great. i highly suggest it and you should be able to find it for no more than $95 to $100 with shipping.


The water block should cool it just fine if not better. I say better, because the barton core is longer/ larger than normal cores, therefore there is more surface area to decipitate the heat and cools the cpu more efficiently.




AthlonXP 2500+ Barton OCed to 2800+ 12.5 x 166= 2.08 Ghz


A7n8x DX motherboard


GForce2 gts 32 MB (need a new one)


1 Corsair Xms 512mb PC2700


120 gig Western Digital 7200 8mb cache


Verbatim 52x/24x/52x CDRW


Volcano 11+ (get temps of 38C OCed)


4 air intakes, 2 air outtakes (excluding PS) 9 fans total


ATX case with 500W PS


17" flat panel Kogi monitor


entire comp w/o moniter $515

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I was comparing prices on the internet, and the koolance systems that are built in to case are pretty much the same price as the external cooling ones so I think I am going to buy one of those... does anyone know if the smaller, and slightly cheeper one is the same cooling technology just the case is smaller, or is it a crappier cooling system? Thanks.

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