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Everything posted by Nerm

  1. Yes I just renewed the league last night and set a draft date.
  2. I am not a linguist by any means, but it sounds like gibberish in a fake Indian accent. If it is a real language then it is one that has similarities to both russian and Indian (Hindi/Bengali/etc).
  3. lol...What does $90 get you up there? 10Mb/1Mb?
  4. Nice! My home ISP just recently started offering 1Gb/25Mb for $90/month. Sooooo tempting but I don't really have a need to justify the cost (100Mb/25Mb now for $50). Personally if I was to upgrade due to work from home situations I would prefer to go with the 200Mb/200Mb business line for $200/month. I know it is a lot more expensive but the much higher upload speed is more practical for my uses. *oooh thought* I wonder if I can get work to comp it.
  5. yep....The primary DC is getting upgraded to 150/150 here in a few months. The impressive link is the one between the primary DC and the main campus DC. Currently it is 2x10G and here soon will be 4x10G.
  6. Primary DC: New WAN circuit for one of our regional DC's: Symmetrical FTW!
  7. I must have missed the part in your original post about 5Ghz being so open. In that case if your devices all support 5Ghz then I wouldn't even bother turning on 2.4Ghz and just use 5Ghz. -85 to -70 is a pretty big improvement especially when you consider 5Ghz doesn't have the same penetration capability as 2.4Ghz. Sounds like the radio on the old router was quite weak.
  8. Adding another AP with a more powerful radio is never the answer to channel saturation. The best resolution would be to talk to your neighbors and either get them to lower the power on their AP's (doubtful they have AP's capable of this) or get them to change channels around to keep overlapping channels at a minimum. I see a lot of people trying to throw more dB's at over crowding issues like this and it normally just enhances the problem for everyone. From the sound of your situation the location of your AP might play the biggest role in improving performance. I am not sure I understand your comment about "unstable connection at only -95dBm". If you are at -95 I would expect it to be unstable. Rule of thumb is anything above -80 is considered "questionable".
  9. Yes, I definitely need to fix that before next year.
  10. Yes and no. AP's can be on the same channels as long as their coverage doesn't overlap. Think of channels like lanes on a highway. The more cars you put in the same lane the more congested that lane becomes.
  11. edit: El_Capitan... you should flag your post as a spoiler just in case ccokeman hasn't read the first post. Lol, the title of the thread is [spoilerS] - Star Wars VII Thoughts. If he can't read that, then there is no hope. If there is hope it will be a new hope. lol
  12. One thing I do know is that the really nerdy looking dude sitting next to me in the theater was actually crying when the movie started he was so excited. Same guy when leaving the theater was like a 12 year old girl leaving a Justin Bieber concert. Nuff said lol.
  13. I agree that the story line left quite a bit to be desired, however I enjoyed the movie. Better than Episode I no matter how you spin it lol.
  14. Ain't it a little creepy that Dave sees "fist" and immediately thinks of me?
  15. "Your mission if you choose to accept it..."
  16. There are others out there that support GPON. I don't work much with residential stuff but I do know TP-Link and D-Link both make GPON capable wireless routers. With that being said I am not a fan of residential grade routers terminating fiber. Normally (and the way I recommend it be done) the ISP will install their own commercial grade ONT and then run cat5e/6 into the residence so the end-user can use whatever router suits their fancy.
  17. I would see it being a benefit to travel with all that going on Norm haha Excellent point! lol
  18. Congrats man! I am in the IT consulting sector so I completely understand the being "whored" out feeling lol. If you get opportunities to travel with this job take them. The traveling gets harder on you as you get older and wife/kids get added, etc.
  19. Online forums of any kind have been falling off since the social media boom. Discussions happen on facebook, twitter, etc now days and that is just the nature of the beast. To make things worse the OCing/Moding/Benchmarking worlds have been dwindling as the new age of computer users seem to have little interest in that stuff. The one thing we have going for us is that PC gaming is still a big deal and if you will notice that is where the majority of our discussions in the forum takes place these days.
  20. I have always liked Trendnet GBIC modules. Glad to see 10GE capability.
  21. No problem! I also started Smith instead of Cooks and put voodoo on Forte to get injured to help you out even more.
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