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Hyper Threaded

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Posts posted by Hyper Threaded

  1. Are you having a problem with just that WU? Consistent failures on the same WU, usually are not system related. My best advice is just to keep deleting queue.dat until another WU cycles around, maybe three times.

  2. LOL what are you using to get it up that high lol, yes my flashing monitor problems was overclocking, but the card is not faulty becasue I did the same thing with CCC to the same clocks and no flashing =)


    That was the system RAM. If I clocked the video ram that high, it would pop off the card. :lol:

  3. Power certainly is not the issue here, if anything between the new hardware, it's actually a bit less. And yes, I do know what power issues are. I've owned a Thermaltake PSU. :lol:


    Posted on XS, some think it could be the memory on the card.


    Sit rep: the card is fine. I was being an idiot with the RAM overclocked to 1120mhz, backed it down to 1080mhz and all is well. Whey. :thumbs-up:

  4. A few weeks ago, I bought a 4870 for my new rig. This thing is worst videocard I've owned, the drivers have given me nothing but headaches. I can't run folding or play games with it, because it throws the "Driver has stopped responding and recovered" error every few hours. I've tried both 8.7 and 8.8 drivers, using Driver Sweeper each time to get the remnants. I've tried KB953186 to fix it, but that hasn't worked, either.


    All of my other hardware is good, the PSU wasn't showing any signs of instability in the old system. The system is stable except for the 4870. I'm using Vista x64.


    Basically, this post is asking for help. If anyone has had similar issues with their card and what they've done to fix it. Next step is going to be an RMA if I can't sort this.

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