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Hyper Threaded

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Posts posted by Hyper Threaded

  1. Good test is to plug it into a decent hi-fi system. A decent hi-fi plays the signal with higher clarity, which really shows up a bad soundcard or onboard chip.


    On my setup (Denon 1908 + Polk RM10), I can easily tell onboard from my X-Fi Prelude, even over digital. Onboard has a tinny sound, like those string and can walkie-talkies we made as kids.

  2. I wouldn't really recommend the V361 as an upgrade from anything, except PC speakers. The amp isn't all that powerful, it only delivers a maximum of about 40wpc and some of the components inside are a bit cheap. The sound is on the bright, tinny side.


    What sort of budget have you got? You should be looking at a Denon or Onkyo.

  3. Ask around, you'd be surprised who can find you a job. My hair dresser found my current job, she does my boss's and my hair. She told him I was looking, then a few weeks later the whole process started. Not just some supermarket job either, it's a proper IT job with a good career path.


    The whole idea is, no matter how stupid it sounds, ask them. Worst thing that can happen is, they won't be able to help you.

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