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Everything posted by PruritusAni

  1. Just got my headset as well! Thanks OCC and Azio for making my day!
  2. Sweet! Scored myself a sweet headset. Thanks OCC/Azio, you've just made Christmas that much sweeter. Congrats go out to WardozerX and all the other winners.
  3. Portal 2 without a doubt, and for the same reason as FUZi0N. I couldn't stop playing it, stayed up all night and finished it, all the while yawning and telling myself "ok just one more test". I then did it again the next night. And again a few days later. The wit, the story, the freaking awesome physics everywhere, made the game an amazing experience for me. I must admit that Skyrim looks very much addictive too, but so far I've managed to not get it. It or MW3 will probably win any GOTY competition with large numbers of voters.
  4. has set his status

  5. Quake. Despite Duke Nukem 3d being the first FPS I ever played, Quake sealed the deal for me. I've been FPSing like a mad man ever since.
  6. Definitely my TX750! This baby's been powering my rig for 2 years now, without a hitch. Plus it became a whole new (sexier) animal once I (painstakingly) sleeved it. Good luck to all.
  7. I've recently started exploring DnB after watching a TF2 rocket jumping video that featured B-Complex as the sountrack. Here are a few of his songs that I enjoy: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0MIwTGzabwE http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6EhOcM_6Dt8 http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lxkZjs8aVuo
  8. I clean all of the processors with q-tips and rubbing alcohol before applying any new TIM. I have been using a tiny bit of Arctic Cooling MX2 for every chip that needed cooling, and it has been great so far. Any other thermal paste would work as long as you remember that the idea is to fill tiny microscopic cracks in the surface of the chip and not to slather the stuff on, so use a little tiny bit. Here's a fairly detailed article on TIMs that you may find relevant.
  9. My school email has received similar emails, but from a hijacked school email account, so it at least had the .edu in there to make it look extra legit. Here's the last email I received at that email address that made me stranger How are you? Perhaps you have a question who I am and why I decided to write to you? This is Galina. I live in Kazakhstan, I'm 26 years old. girl who wants to meet the love of his life. Here where I live, I could not find a decent man. So . In the dating agency I was asked to consider a few profiles of men. my eyes it on you. Maybe learning more about each other we can have real relations. I will be glad if you answer to my proposal of friendship. for your answer. And I hope to learn more about you. Bye, bye, bye, Galina. she had me at "girl who wants to meet the love of his life" ... I responded almost at once attaching copies of my social security card, driver's license and passports as well as photos of me in compromising, yet tasteful poses with my banking information.
  10. gtx 250 1gb on my desktop gt 325M on my lappy and mom has a gt 430 in her rig
  11. I went from the mx518 to the g500 not that long ago, and I must say that now that the transition period is over I truly enjoy my g500. Having used the 518 for so many years it took quite a bit to get used to the feel of the g500 (not to mention all the customization available), but I now prefer it. I don't know how big the change will be from a g5 to a g500, but the g500 is def a sweet mouse.
  12. Back in 5th grade when I first started programming I was convinced I'd be a programmer for life. It wasn't until 3 years into my CS degree that I got bored with programming. Getting a program to work just didn't bring the same joy to me anymore. I needed something more challenging, and after a failed start in Mathematics I opted for Physics. I'm now en route to my 3rd year in graduate school, studying theoretical particle physics. Astronaut is bit too dangerous still, give it a century or two, then we may have figured out better ways to do space (and maybe even interstellar!).
  13. Cool, I'll give it a try. I currently use deezer as it also has search, playlists, and no ads. I particularly enjoy their classical music selection, but this also seems to have quite a bit of classical. Thanks!
  14. After we've all failed your last IQ test the bar has been lowered. I have faith in our inabilities yet!
  15. I am pleased to report that missed sarcasm aside the ol' college try failed, and it did not take long to do so. Perhaps one ought to give it the ol' grad school try. What do F5 and space have in common? One of them is not even on your swedish keyboard diagram. They're both centered on a vertical axis that doesn't help at all. (at least reflections don't go anywhere useful, since up down is ill defined on a keyboard) The one thing that can develop from looking at the updown direction is additional routes to madness. Shifts in all directions: not just in the same row, but diagonally, and with new areas of "does that count as a character?". Medbor, your mind is a strange place!
  16. I'm shocked no one has got this yet. I'll give it the ol' college try for a few minutes, as i'm completely burnt out on my current assignments.
  17. Very nice work with the guide!! I'd like to see it extended to include Molex and SATA Power cables though. The Molex in particular is very difficult as it involves crimping two wires together. I could never get that part to work nicely when I had my first go at sleeving.
  18. My exposure to 8bit music is limited, but I found to be decent. it definitely seems that a lot more thought was put into composition for video games back in the 8bit soundtrack days.
  19. well while trying to do all sorts of last minute things i decided i'd throw in a flash drive with xubuntu on it. From xubuntu (10.04) I decided i'd inspect the drive in question using 2 different utilities: Disk Utility and GSmartControl. Upon a quick test both report the drive is just fine, no errors nothing!! I've even went to run a read only benchmark which it did quite well in, no errors here either! Finally I transplant it into mom's computer where upon being run as the boot drive it produces the same blinking cursor that does nothing. When I use mom's drive as the boot, it recognizes it, and proceeds to tell me that I need to format the disk before using it. So I suppose at this point I admit defeat, but I'd like to reclaim my data from it. I'll experiment with a few things but I can't say I'm too hopeful at this point. This is definitely one of the weirdest and maddening errors I've ever encountered. I just wish I knew what I did, so I can avoid doing it again. UPDATE: I tried Active Partition Recovery, had it fix the boot sector on the drive and it seemed to have done something! I now can access that drive on my mom's computer. My computer on the other hand is unmoved, so it's displaying that blinking cursor still when I try to boot from it. So I decided to connect my backup drive to mom's computer as well, to recover all of my stuff. Nevertheless this drive is also broken?!?!? and a scan by partition recovery revealed 4 partitions labeled Bad, Very Bad, Very Bad and Very Bad. I am now running a long scan to see if maybe i can recover it. More later UPDATE 2: Well it seems as though i am able to recover files off the drive. There is however a catch: they are not at all labeled by their original names but instead are called things like: Recovered mp3 file 41743836836969.mp3 Recovered text file 2491239478129.txt and so on. There seems to be no folder structure left, and everything is piled together haphazardly in the Lost Files folder. This of course is going to make the recovery process near to impossible, as I'd have to rename a trillion things over the course of the next few years. I'd be better off not even worrying about it at this point. I found a few externals that had a good portion of the files/folders on there, and i have access to the boot drive, which had a good portion of the back up stuff on there. I guess I'll reinstall windows 7 on the new drive I ordered today and hope that i'll never have to deal with this sort of nonsense again. Thanks all for your help.
  20. UPDATE: Well I came back home and memtest ran a bunch of tests 5 and 8 while I was at school finding no errors. So the memory is not at fault here, leaving me with the last option of trying the drive in my mom's computer. As an interesting aside I found some info on this 5672 error thrown by SpinRite: So as it turns out this error doesn't really mean much in the way of the disk's health. So now I must find a program that does the job SpinRite was supposed to do, but right. Do you have any recommendations? I'll update again after dinner and the attempt involving mom's computer.
  21. Well I've got memtest going now, doing the passes of 5, and I'll set it up to do the 8s while I'm at school. If I remember correctly those take longer, so by the time I get back they'll be done. I'll let you know how it works later tonight. Thanks for the help by the way.
  22. Well SpinRite said this: I suppose Ill try and see if it gets seen on my mom's machine, and if that doesn't work I'll try memtest too as the very last attempt at not losing the disk.
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