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Posts posted by Blue_cow

  1. Time to send out a squadron of wafflecoptors, ROFLcopters, and the lawl-missiles. Oh, can't forget out soldiers on some LOLlerskates.




    Thats going in my sig..

  2. Ok i found out what song it is.


    Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger - Daft Punk


    Rofl @ silkster. What made you think that? I listen to some funky crap :/


    Combination of some emo stuff (kinda emo i guess you could say), techno, rap (gorillaz? does that count?), oldies, and 80s music. 80 music is so awesome. Im going to change my avatar to somethign 80s....


    Edit: Thats better :D <<<

  3. I voted south park.


    Although the simpsons may be classic, they're funnyness is going downhill. Its a national lampoon situation. They were funny at one point, and they're still an AMAZING show, but not as funny anymore IMO...


    South park on the other hand is doing the opposite. They're on their... what is it 9th season now? And every episode seems to be funnier than the last.


    Thats my oppinion. Now, watch 50 people verbally "tear me a new one"

  4. Bigred, i respect you and all, but you're being a jerk to this guy..


    If people are getting all pissy with me at school, i always just choose to move it down my list of priorities. Dont think of school being so important and dont dwell on it if a person makes fun of you. WHO CARES. They're going to grow up to bag your groceries anyways so who cares. Know that you're better than them and that there IS life beyond school. Get involved in many things outside of school to get your mind off it. Thats what i do sometimes and it seems to work.

  5. I just got this email from tigerdirect. I am to their weekly offer thing and i got this email advertising a prebuilt x2 system.. Tell me what you think.


    Dear Alex,



    Your PC is obsolete!


    That's right. If it doesn't have a 64 bit architecture, you're PC will soon be obsolete. Why? The next generation of Microsoft Operating Systems (the fastest ever) requires a 64 lane highway called 64 bit architecture. Most PCs have just a 32 bit architecture.


    However, this amazing Systemax PC takes the 64 bit architecture one step further with the astounding "DUAL CORE" technology. Designed to take advantage of the most advanced multi-tasking applications ever devised, the new AMD 64 X2 Dual Core Processor is the fastest CPU ever produced by AMD. Dual Core Processors contain two processing cores, residing on one chip, that perform calculations on two streams of data, thereby increasing efficiency and speed while running multiple programs and the new generation of multi-threaded software.


    What does this techno speak mean? It means, this PC has the world's fastest technology to handle today's technology AND the next generation of Windows Operating Systems.


    So I leave you with this thought...As the kids head back to school or on to college, should they be prepared with obsolete technology or the new AMD 64 X2 Dual Core? Click here to choose the new 64 bit Dual Core Technology from AMD.






    I personally dont consider my computer to be obsolete, and it pisses me off that tiger is going to be suckering people into buy a brand new 1600$ system.



    edit: here is the product that they were advertising by the way: http://www.tigerdirect.ca/applications/sea...&Tab=0&NoMapp=0

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