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Posts posted by Blue_cow

  1. Ok, I tried hooking up a network between my old computer (crappy celeron) and my new one (check sig) Now, I did the network wizard blah blah blah and i still couldnt see any of the files on my old pc. It couldnt even see the computer through the network! BUT i can play lan games against each other. Weird. Any ideas on how i can view the files and such on my old computer from my new computer?


    btw, yes i have filesharing turned on and yes the files are in my shared folder set to allow them to share over a network


    another btw, my router is a dlink dl604 4 port router

  2. Hey im just wondering how far i should overclock my fx5500oc. I only have the stock cooler on there right now but i put some arctic silver 5 on it (dont know if that helps at all) and i was hoping that that would suffice for cooling my video card if i overclock it just a little bit. Thanks.


    Edit: Anyone? Please? Just to clarify, im just wondering how far i should overclock my video card on stock cooling.


    edit: no nothing? ahh. you guys are no help

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