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Posts posted by Blue_cow

  1. I keep hearing people mention that video cards drivers make a big difference (for something?) and im wondering if this is true. And what are the advantages of having certain video card drivers.


    Right now ive got the nvidia 77.77 drivers for my leadtek 6800, and im wondering what some good drivers for it would be...


    so yeah, two questions.

  2. Look at my stats...





    Does that seem right? Ive got one rig folding for about 4 days now, pretty much non stop except at night, and another rig folding most of the time aswell... ive got 7wu's... and it doesnt seem to be going up as fast as it was before.... Is something wrong or is this how its supposed to be?


    I noticed that crash's 24 hour average points is 308... and mines only 12.......... Wtf..?

  3. Well i work at McDonalds and i would have to say that some things are breakfasty...


    For example, if you get a big breakfast with a medium orange juice, thats got pancakes, potatoes (hashbrowns) and sausage.. and a drink.


    I would consider that to be a well rounded breakfast. Not to say that its good for you.

  4. Hmm everyone else seems to being telling their life stories practically, so why not..


    Busted up my arm once. Fracture,


    fell flat on my knee last year and pretty much shattered my knee cap, it still hurst like hell, probably will for my whole life,


    tripped whilst playing basketball and hit my teeth and knocked 4 teeth out on a basketball... Popped the ball too,


    twisted both ankles a countless number of times,


    broke a wrist once,


    had 3 concussions from blows to the head,


    broken toe,


    broken thumb,


    and i had some back problems when i was about 10, but i dont feel them as often now.





    Thats about all the serious injuries ive had.

  5. Heres another one... Its my avatar :D



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