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Posts posted by Blue_cow

  1. [18:08:45] Writing local files

    [18:08:45] Completed 700000 out of 5000000 steps (14%)

    [19:32:43] Writing local files

    [19:32:43] Completed 750000 out of 5000000 steps (15%)

    [20:56:07] Writing local files

    [20:56:07] Completed 800000 out of 5000000 steps (16%)

    [22:40:00] Writing local files

    [22:40:00] Completed 850000 out of 5000000 steps (17%)

    [00:07:47] Writing local files

    [00:07:47] Completed 900000 out of 5000000 steps (18%)





    Quick question here... When it says 18% there, is that 18% of one wu?

  2. So far ive got a total of 156 points and 6 wu's. Thats on two rigs folding (almost 24 seven). I was at a lan party last night and i was folding the whole time there on the guys T3 connection, whilst my other linux rig was folding at home (no pun intended :)). So now, its only my linux rig, because i havent hooked my computer back up since the lan party. But ive got results! :D


    [10:55:56] Writing local files

    [10:55:56] Completed 450000 out of 5000000 steps (9%)

    [12:26:04] Writing local files

    [12:26:04] Completed 500000 out of 5000000 steps (10%)

    [13:56:22] Writing local files

    [13:56:22] Completed 550000 out of 5000000 steps (11%)

    [15:20:26] Writing local files

    [15:20:26] Completed 600000 out of 5000000 steps (12%)

    [16:44:40] Writing local files

    [16:44:41] Completed 650000 out of 5000000 steps (13%)

    [18:08:45] Writing local files

    [18:08:45] Completed 700000 out of 5000000 steps (14%)

    [19:32:43] Writing local files

    [19:32:43] Completed 750000 out of 5000000 steps (15%)

    [20:56:07] Writing local files

    [20:56:07] Completed 800000 out of 5000000 steps (16%)



    By the way, how long does it take to actually become a member of the F@H team? I think i thought i remember it being like 2 weeks or a week or something?


    Btw, is 6 wus in 12 hours good?

  3. Hey everyone. Just letting you know that ive begun to fold on a rig i had laying around. I slapped linux on it and i ran the f@h client. This is what it says in the console....


    [21:08:27] Protein: p888_p53peptide888


    [21:08:27] Writing local files

    [21:08:27] Extra SSE boost OK.

    [21:08:27] Writing local files

    [21:08:27] Completed 0 out of 5000000 steps (0%)


    Im a little confused by this. Is everything running ok? It just stays at 0%...

  4. (sorry if this is considered a major bump)


    Im really interested in this thread and i think that we could get a few more ideas up here..


    (I know snootywaiter is banned, but lets come up with more ideas for eachother)


    I was thinking about it, and you could probably get some kind of duct running from a freezer or mini-fridge and blow the cold air into the case.

  5. Yes of course you do, how else is he supposed to read the game data. You set up the game and ahve it searching for players then pop out the disk and have him load up the game and look for open games. That should do it.

  6. Well danyo, its not like any old american is going to know that first of all. And i think it was a "Hit them while they're down" situation (which happens alot in american war :/). If i was the one who made the decisions i probably would have done the same. If they were to leave them time to react, the japanese could've assembled many troops and a war might have been unstoppable by that point.

  7. Heh. I dont often notice it, its just that right now im trying to stay awake as long as possible so im checking the clock every once and a while. I guess its like this often, iw ouldnt know. I just remember that somebody made a thread about it the other day.

  8. Exactamundo, more lives were spared in the bombing of Japan than if we would've invaded the mainland.  In the actual bombing of Hiroshima and Nagasaki, 'only' around a quarter of a million people were killed.  If we would've mounted a land invasion, military and civilian casualties combined were estimated to be over a million.  Not only did those bombs end the war sooner and save lives, it also brought a whole new meaning to the term, "Don't $&%# with the USA."  Believe you me, if we wouldn't have proven the measure of our resolve by bombing Japanese civilians in 1945, i can guarantee you the Cold War wouldn't have been as uneventful as it was.




    I just dont like the fact that americans actually are PROUD of the fact they they bombed the . out of a bunch of japanese civilians and can then stand up and say some thing like that "Don't $&%# with the USA." It just seems so cocky and inconsiderate. If my country ever killed that many civilians i would be ashamed. If you're going to bomb something, bomb the military or something, not defenceless enemies.

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