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Posts posted by Blue_cow

  1. you aren't a patriot?




    I'm Canadian, therefore, have different views about such things as: War, foreign policies, a stuff of the sort.


    When voicing my oppinion on the current state of america and bush and the "war" and such, im often told that it is none of my concern but that isnt true. America, being the most powerful country in the world, makes an impact on canada and other surrounding countries. Also, The US is canada's number 1 trade parter, so if the economy goes to . in america, it does likewise in canada.


    Also how long did it take you guys to beat it?




    Skipped school to beat it. 14 hours straight. I know what you mean though, it just pulls you right in and you dont ever want to stop playing untill its over.

  2. Hey i just got a new hard drive and its the exact same as my old hard drive (WD 120gb 7200rpm 8mb buffer and such) but ive plugged it in and its not showing up under my computer. Im not sure what to do right now to get it to show up. Ive tried going to the control panel and going to add hardware but that just brang me through a troubleshooter. This is my first time having to do this, so sorry if this sounds really noob, is there something im not doing?

  3. Im still using agp. When you think about it, its too expensive to upgrade. You have to upgrade not only your video card (and spend like 500 dollars on that) but then you also have to upgrade your motherboard and potentially your cpu aswell (if you have an old one like my athlon xp 3000)

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