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Posts posted by Blue_cow

  1. That sounds like a repetitive premise for a show. Like, 100 fugitives, once you catch them all, then what... They escape and you capture them again? I couldnt imagine it being exciting after they catch everyone.

  2. I experianced all of that . through elementary school because my mom is a teacher. I guess they thought that because my mom was failing them (because they were freakin retarded) that they should pick on me and try and humiliate me in front of everyone. I decided to switch schools, and the only other school was a tiny little catholic school with about 150 kids. Well, i got there and the kids were alright and nice and . but it was like something out of the twilight zone. Everybody was so nice that it pissed me off and i switched back to my old school. After a two month disappearance, the dummies that picked on me started doing it again, so i changed the way i acted, and started acting like i didnt give a . what they said and sometimes just ignoring them and they seemed to lay off. Im not really that stong a guy so kicking their asses wasnt an option.

  3. The downside to AI is that there is no evidence that a silicon based life form can possibly exist.  Therefore, it can hardly be said that a computer possesses intelligence in the same way that you and I possess intelligence.  This is a serious limit on AI as it means that a computer must be told how to handle and process information that it receives unlike a carbon-based life form that is capable of developing ways of its own to process information.  This inability to independently function is coupled with another fault that is absent in AI but present in carbon-based lifeforms: awareness.  A computer is not aware of itself or surroundings and thus is unable to process data on an incredibly abstract level.  For example, if you were shown some pictures of a specific category of plants, lets say trees, you would eventually be able to construct an abstract association between a few of the pictures that would allow you to be able to identify all trees.  However, a computer can not do this.  A computer must have specific information through which it associates input to.  If it can not identify a specific input, it can not classify the input.  For example, in this series of trees you were shown pictures of trees all containing leaves.  If you were suddenly shown a picture of a pine tree (which doesn't have leaves but has pine needles) you could still very likely understand that this picture depicts that of a tree.  A computer would be unable to create this new association of trees.  Even more frustrating is that if I were to maliciously insert a picture of a car along with the collection of trees, you would most likely go "Hey!  That isn't a tree!"  However, the computer would process it as a type of tree unless told not to.



    Thats what i was gonna say....

  4. hehe sorry, i just watched willy wonka and im starting to talk like him :|. Anyways, i agree, many people start rants and i have no problem with that. Ive started a few myself probably. The difference between those and this one is that most other rants have some proof and reason backing it up; This just seems like a "oh em gee. i dont like this. its stupid. whats the point... mehhhh"

  5. i think everyone missed the point... only people who can touch type are skilled enough to use this keyboard... i could use it... i touch type and also type in the dark... i only have to feel for F, J, and numeric 5 and i'm all set


    i almost painted my old keyboard pure black and wasn't going to bother painting the letters back on because i know where ALL the symbols are...


    personally i think the Das Keyboard looks ugly so i got my own uber german keyboard :D




    What he said. Touch typing and such. Now; lost. Please dont start topics (that have already been made before no less) just to post that you dont like something. Thats what we call a "rant" and it is frowned upon in many locations on the "interweb". Mmmkay? :D

  6. Also microsoft anispyware. ( i know, it sounds like an oxymoron, but its good). It works surprisingly well and found some things on my old comp that adware wouldnt find.

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