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Posts posted by gotdamojo06

  1. I was able to do this once before, I did what you said you were doing with the end task part, but I do not believe I was using Resource Hacker, I was using a different program, cant think of the name of it off the top of my head, but I do remember it was back in the day when I was downloading from download.com so you may be able to find it there.

  2. Ok, not sure if this is a hardware or software problem, but I tried to print a page off of word and the printer jammed...I turned it off and cleared the jam then turned it back on...and then attempted to reprint the page, however, it would not print.


    I went into the open all active printers and faxes icon in the tray on the startbar and it has the document, so i cancled the job, and is now just sitting there saying deleting...then tried to print it again, and didnt work and tried to cancel all jobs the newer job would delete but the first one when the printer jamed is still there...saying deleting...I tried rebooting the computer, logging off, turning the printer off and logging off, and turning the printer off and rebooting the computer but nothing has worked yet, can someone please help...I have to turn in a paper for class tommorrow, I would like to print it from my computer but if I cant, there are printers around school...just have to pay 10 cent a page...


    Thanks in advance guys...

  3. I use imageshack to upload pics to post on websites however I have an account with deviantart that I post pictures that I would like to be able to find again with out having tons of links saved in a notpad document... :) ...but deviant art is nice, just dont forget to upload something every 6 months or your account gets frozen or something like that...

  4. see everyone benefits from it...I have not been playing with it yet, but I was thinking of having it automatically logging in the guest account and putting tons of restrictions on it, then doing (start+L) to switch to my account for my laptop, because most people would be like what the heck?! Little bit of added security...

  5. Ok, so my grandfather would like a little bit of help from me...


    He does not have a password for his windows login name, which is OWNER and what he would like is for the computer to go directly to the desktop when you turn the computer on, like bypass the welcome screen and/or the clasic login box. He had it as the welcom screen and under the control pannel I changed it from that to the clasic and he said that he is happy with that but would much rather prefer it to just log you in automatically and go to the desktop...


    Is this possible and if so, how would I be able to set that up?


    Thanks in advance...

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