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Posts posted by gotdamojo06

  1. nicely put lobbdogg, I would just sit it out as well because you guys are 14 years old, chances are that the girl you are wanting to be with now is probably not going to be with you in 5-6 years, or even 6 months! Your friend will be there in 5-6 yeras and defently 6 months unless you mess with his girlfriend. Just stay back and wait for them to break up (its going to happen) then go for her a week later or talk to your friend after they break up about going out with her... Clay had it right man, "Bros before Hos" I dont like to refer to girls as hos but its a great statment to live by man...

  2. I had a similar problem in cs:s it would lock up everyonce and a while with a looping sound, dont know if thats what you are experiencing (sp), and it ended up being 1) the video drivers were a little out of date and 2) the sound drivers were way out of date. Steam's website told me that it was the sound, and thats what finally solved the problem.


    coppy this exactly into the url and press go, it will tell you what passes and fails by steam, it will give suggestions as to what needs to be updated etc...



    you need to put an * after the work crash with no space, but occ wont let me type that in for some reason

  3. I have no idea what my parents are getting me, there is a medium sized square box that is about the width of a retail amd 64 processor box (I know its not that) and weighs as much as like 3 120 mm case fans...odd things to compare to huh?


    Also the night after xmas me and my new girlfriend are spending the whole day together, 6am - 4pm at work 5pm - 9:30am the next day then more working together! I think thats going to be the best gift so far, I think im going to wake up early the next morning and cook her some eggs and baccon or something, try to make is special even though we have only been dating for the past 8 days lol

  4. Hey I wanted to download PCmark05 from OCC's download center and when I click benchmarks, it just seems to refresh the page. I then tried view all files and it did the same thing. Just letting you guys know that somethings not right with the Download center here...let me know when it gets back up...

  5. I guess its not that hard because alot of people do it, plus you might want to do that soon, its x-mas break after today for my sister thats in high school...so second semester should be starting soon!

  6. I had never heard of it until 3 days ago my new girlfriend and her girlfriend (Yeah :) ) were driving down the road and they stoped at an arab's party store that they go to all the time and came walking out with 2 cans that were about the same size as a red bull maybe a little bigger and it was burgondy and says COCAINE on the side. I was like what the heck?! That stuff is spicy and makes the back of your through go numb for a little while. Its not that bad though.

  7. LoArmistead, when some of my friends bring me a "dead" HDD to see if I could get stuff off of it, I just turn the comp off and plug it in and let it dangle in the case with the molex as well. I thought that I was the only one that did that stunt.

  8. well before my girlfiriend dumped me last week, I had bought her an iPond Nano, only because she has been wanting one for quite some time.


    If your girlfriend is big into the whole music stuff and does not have one, that could be a good idea, however jewelery is always another great option for women, they love that stuff no matter how long you guys have been dating for (make sure its serious before spending money on jewelery) If you are going to get jewelery, look at the stuff she has to see if its gold or silver or white gold and get something that looks like she would wear and that its the same type of material she already has.


    GPS would be a good idea if she does a great deal of driving though.


    Comes down to this though, you know her the best, it should be something that comes from the heart.

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