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Posts posted by gotdamojo06

  1. When i was editing videos that i shot, snowboarding/skateboarding, i was being cheap and just using windows media editor or what ever it was called...video editor? something along those lines...it works for basic needs

  2. im guessing that it is probably scvhost.exe...


    every once and a while after doing some heaving things on the cmoputer, i will have scvhost using most my cpu power, and so i ended it as well not knowing what it was and it shut me dow as well...but once i turned it back on, everything was fine

  3. that would be intresting, how would you keep a constant supply of D-ICE? doesnt it evaporate after a while?


    You just have to go in and add a block of it to your resoviour (spelling) right


    Couldnt you do that with a liquid cooling setup....use an isopropyl and dry ice...that would be cool...litteraly

  4. I like the design of the first one but im with nrg on the color scheme, try a different color, maybe do something like black fading into the occ orange which is RGB(255, 153, 0)


    What happened to the auto spell checker in the fast reply has it been disabled as default or did we get rid of it...


    dang double posting...

  5. SLI is for Nvidia based cards and Crossfire is for ATI based cards


    If you have the time to learn how to overclock (not that hard, just time consuming) you should defently start...


    do you have a custom built pc right now or is it a dell or a gateway or something along those lines?


    Read these pinned threads in the overclocking section to begin your overclocking learning...





    Once you have read those threads, you should know basically what it is, how to do it, what the settings you need to change are, etc. and you then can start to do it...


    Have you given Folding a try yet? click the link in my sig to find out more about that, its fun and good for science research

  6. From what I have gathered if you are going to be doing some serious overclocking or any overclocking on the board it would be a great one to get because of the many options in the bios that you are able to change. I have also heard that they have given many people problems when they first start building their rigs. Also I believe that those boards are very picky when it comes to the hardware you put in them, they need some top of the line equpment.


    I have been debating about getting one myself, but i think im going to end up getting an Asus MVP



    you could also try a foxconn





    You beat me to the post sdy, i was still typing when you posted yours...but sdy is correct if you are not going to do any overclocking, it would be very pointless to get a DFI board


    Im guessing that you are wanting SLI and not crossfire correct? anything else special about the board?


    Check out Newegg, thats where I buy all of my hardware and they have good deals, also look at their combos. The combos can be pretty good deals and its a good way to get more for your money...


    those can be located here...



    Here are some DFI boards with a cpu for a little over $300


  7. I have had halloween chocolate that has been in my room for a long time and i have eaten it, does not get me sick...


    also my grandfather has a big bag of tootie-rolls in his computer room that no one ever eats out of, it has to have been there for 2 years, and i have eaten some of them and they dont get me sick either.

  8. I had asked him earlier if his hsf was installed properly and if he had installed any thermal compound...


    but durring the time that you get power, can you see where it is being held up on post, i dont think that there is anything wrong with any components because there is no beeping, so it sounds like a hsf problem or a psu problem

  9. you can pick what you display name is after you have a number


    yes i know that its in everyones profiles but i was just wondering who has it with out me having to go through peoples profiles, that seems somewhat stalkerish....

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