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Posts posted by gotdamojo06

  1. I have an ATI Radeon 9200 series card and about an hour ago it was working perfectly, I shut down the computer to install my new hsf combo, to do this i had to remover all my cards from the mobo...now my video is really weird...


    I usually have my display settings at 1280x960 because I have a widscreen lcd mointor but now when i have it set at those settings i have to scroll the desktop from one side to the other...whats going on?


    any help would be very much appreciated, especially fast help!


    Thanks guys!

  2. no i will be putting the sob on a shelf or something

    we dont park cars in the garage, just keep all our law mowers n crap out there...

    there is no leaks in the garage, so i think condensation should be fine, I was just wondering about the condensation a little bit

  3. I told my parents that I was going to put my spare pc in the garage for 24/7 folding due to the fact that it is too loud for them to fall asleep good...i was wondering if it was going to be too cold for just a case in the garage in the middle of winter...I dont think that there would be a problem with it sitting in the garage...


    it is an older 2 car garage so there is no form of heating in the garage so it is just as cold as it is outside because there is no insulation, its just bricks coverd with the metal sidding...

  4. I havnt been keeping up with the SMP Virus...all I know is I use the graphical version of F@H because its the one that I can get to work, for some reason using the command line it just does not like to work for me...

  5. They just arrived today! I cant wait to get this bad . put together :)


    I will post pictures and temp differences after installation, as well editing the pictures in the case gallery!


    This process will started tommorrow morning around 10am, I have 2 hours to do it right now then I have to go to class till 7pm, then scrubs is on comedy central till 8pm


    then i have to study for a quiz on friday for my 8am class, then after that i will be free to do what ever...aka install my cooler!


    I hooked the fan up to see how loud it is and how much the CFM felt like,80.92CFM is fast and 48.6dBA @ 3800rpm is loud...but im still excited!


    Also i believe that New Egg messed my order up, they seemed to have sent me a brand new XP-90C instead of the OEM! YAY! I <3 Newegg.com!


    I was looking at how you hook the fan to the hs and the way the fan was made, it is unable to fit on there correctly, 3 of the 4 corners clamp down, so i hope that it will end up staying on there good...it seems like it will but i will find out for sure tommorrow morning...


    the next thing that I am going to do to help cool it down even further is get 2 250mm fans, one for the side intake and another one for an exhaust for the top of the case...both of which will be helping the hs...

  6. I think that it is a good idea to get a folding contest going on...we defently need to boost the overall OCC team PPD by at least 15% to be able to take the next place over


    I hope to get my old rig up and running the next time that Im at my parents house...which is quite a ways away 2-16-07, but everyone that can, please help with the F@H project!

  7. of course, they did do a good job with with all of the pretty GUI in vista, which is one thing that will attract a lot of the people to buy it, even if they cant put it on their machine, or if they don't need to upgrade, they will still buy it because it looks prettier than XP


    M$is happy, small computer shops are happy as long as they have a lot of copies of vista, and the consumer who is buying the product is going to be happy as well...:)


    everyone wins!

  8. i too, can attest to Mad's post. i might not be certified tech yet, but man, i too have been swamped by vista questions.

    i hate being the techy in the family.

    and extended family :wacko:

    it is a pain in the . being the only one in the family that can troubleshoot computers


    haha, nice mojo ;)

    thanks, Im trying to listen to him right now, but he is trying to explain to all the people in the class how to use the If...Then...Else Statements :ph34r:


    how hard can it be?

    If x>y then




    end if


    there you go done!

  9. I just cant believe that Boston was the only city out of the list that had the mooninites signs in their city...


    you can tell the difference between a led circuit and a bomb...


    Andrew was very right, they needed to bring in a small Task Force to attempt to "defuse" the "bomb" which would have kept them from being the laugh of the US

  10. Thats why I am glad I do not work at a computer repair shop while I'm in college...


    I was funny the other day in my Visual Basic class (Taking for an easy A) the teacher was talking about Vista and how it is going to be released and he was going to go out and buy it...he wanted to know what all he was going to expect in it, I popped up one of the topics in the forums and showed him, I think it was the Vista: good or bad topic, but Im not sure...lets just say I got some extra credit and a better standing in the teachers eye :)


    so thank you OCC for helping me get a better grade ;)



    I was wrong, it was the Vista goes gold online topic

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